Saturday, May 25, 2024

WHO Inc. is about achieving singularity and not health (what we need is is a WHO-resistant inoculation)

Editor's note: The World Health Organization (WHO) was set up as a corporation on April 7, 1948 and if you read its corporate charter, the WHO established itself with absolute immunity form criminal prosecution written into its corporate charter. WHO set itself up as an organization with no external authority granted with the ability to write themselves out of all forms of criminal prosecution in perpetuity. This immunity from criminality was set up by the UK's Wellcome Trust and the Rockefeller Foundation. These two entities funded WHO, provided the lawyers to write the charter and act with impunity against citizens of respective countries. It is a predator against the prey ecosphere construct. You can be subjected to any crime traveling abroad that WHO deems is a crime if the WHO Treaty is passed. This following paragraph is from WHO's corporate charter Annex VII - World Health Organization (WHO) - to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies:
(b) In respect to words spoken or written or acts done by them in the performance of their official functions, immunity of legal process of every kind, such immunity to continue not withstanding that the persons concerned are no longer serving on committees of or employed on missions for, the Organization.
WHO is not about health. WHO from the beginning if you go through its history carefully, is about achieving singularity through world control using health and the environment to slam people into a techno fascist neo-feudalistic corporate digital control grid. If you interpret the wirings of the first head of WHO, George Brock Chisholm, and his opposition to Christianity, he may have been correct in his criticism. However, interpreting Chisholm from a technocratic elitist controller's perspective, we come to a completely different conclusion about his motives. WHO and those behind this corporation are manipulating people to give up their civil liberties after pandemics are created (see Bird Flu Hysteria Takes Flight Amid WHO Power Grab & 2024 Election) forcing people into WHO's grid of corporate control to achieve technocratic digital singularity. 

News for You

January 16, 2024 | By Anna Von Reitz

It doesn't matter what two foreign corporations in the business of providing "governmental services" under contract do.

What matters is what you know and what you do at this moment in history.

Much palaver has been spent over agreement or non-agreement of the Biden Administration to sign accords with the World Health Organization, Inc., and some idiots have assumed that Biden has the power to relinquish "American sovereignty" to the World Health Organization, Incorporated.

Joe Biden doesn't hold American sovereignty of any kind.

Our sovereignty is vested in us and in our State Assemblies. He's not even functioning as an American at the present time.

Joe can tell his employees to stand on their heads every half hour and wear pink striped jumpsuits to work, and if they are docile enough, he can get away with it.

He can also tell them to bow down to the World Health Organization, Inc. and if they are docile enough, well, they can take another shot and die by the millions.

That's their choice.

Your choice is your choice.

You can simply declare your correct birthright political status and treat Joe Biden as your erring employee.

You can tell him and every State-of-State Governor and Legislature in America how high to jump, and guess what? Contractually, that is what they are obligated to do.

So get yourselves organized and self-govern.

Stop running around like the proverbial chicken.

Facts are facts. Joe Biden has no authority over your life, much less the life of this country. He can no more "surrender" your sovereignty than he can leap over the Empire State Building.

The sovereignty is vested in you and your States and your government. Not his corporation. So get off the couch and repopulate your State of the Union and start telling your employees what to do.

Go to the American States website and get started. 

Editor's note: George Brock Chisholm was a Canadian psychiatrist, medical practitioner, World War I veteran, and the first director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO). Chisolm although Canadian was a British asset in his acitivities working for the city of London. Why would Chisholm advocate his strong view that "children should be raised in an as intellectually free environment as possible?" To make them stupid and this is especially true in America today. Today, WHO's unstated goals are to wean people of their beliefs and cultures to break down resistance to the establishment of world government through digital control. At the time, this British elitist technocrat even tried laying "the blame for war and human conflict squarely at the feet of parents and Sunday school teachers who — from the beginning — who Chisholm fed their children the poisonous certainties of the Bible". Those "poisonous certainties" also came from the hierachies within the Catholic Church and other religious denominations and also from the Scofield bible edited at Oxford to steer the peasant slave class.

The first Director-General of the WHO made no secret of his anti-democratic plans for the organization

Although Chishom's views on Christianity may have been correct, we can infer that Chisholm worked to bring people into the technocratic digital age that from what we have seen, has stripped humanity of their spiritual foundation and nature. Once the spiritual nature of people has been stripped from them they have no natural ability to resist for example digital IDs, social credit scoring, Covid passports, biometric scanners collecting data, CBDCs, mRNA-loaded injections and health passports with all the required vaccines. America is a culture of convenience and materialism despite being a nominally "Christian" nation so we obviously need a better approach to a philosophy of ethics and spirituality in America. Otherwise in this predator and prey ecosphere America is easy prey.

WHO is trying to convince us "Covid was responsible for killing 13 million in two years." Whatever happend to the statistics on all the deaths that normally happen every year from infuenza-related diseases and sickness?

Covid killed nearly 13 million in two years – WHO


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