Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Thank DARPA for your next Amazon delivery

Editor's note: The next time you order a product from Amazon (see Amazon is "techno feudalistic shopping by algorithm") thank DARPA. These oligarchs like Bezos are intelligence cutouts and are only the face of agencies like the CIA and DARPA. The story Jeff Bezos' net worth is $139 billion as of May 2023, "making him the third-richest person in the world" is bullshit. DARPA had been planning for this type of global dominance through Amazon for a long time before Amazon ever appeared and Bezos is their front store. Like Elon Musk, Bezos is a DARPA-related cutout through his grandfather Lawrence Preston Gise. Both the names Gise and Pollack related to Bezos indicate Bezos is from prominent Jewish lines. This was sourced from: FBI File On Jeff Bezos' Grandfather, A DARPA Co-Founder, Has Been Destroyed. When you understand why Bezos (the intelligence agencies) bought the Washington Post now you know: to fake the news. Does anyone seriously think they will read anything incriminating about Amazon at the Washington Post (government by media)?

Jeff Bezos - Looks Like Another CIA Front

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