Monday, May 6, 2024

The US and NATO including France come up with emergency plans: "red lines"

Editor's note: Right, "red lines" again (and green lights). If NATO and the US think they are prepared to fight a war of attrition against a peer military like Russia they might want to begin consulting with smarter people. How will the Russians react to this latest from the US and NATO countries? Russia will likely send their three best negotiators, Mr. Iskander, Mr. Zircon and Mr. Kinzhal to deliver an ultimatum to not only the US, but to France as well. Not sure who put the US corporate executive pretending to be a US congress member Hakeem Jeffries up to it, but he needs to understand Russia has clearly stated if NATO countries, and that means the US, place their military personnel in Ukraine there will be grave consequences. Kiev is going to fall. That is inevitable. The Russians have put out an arrest warrant for Zelensky. We have no idea what the Pentagon is planning for Ukraine but it is hard to accept they will be sending their military led by woke officers.

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