Sunday, May 26, 2024

The British are at war with Russia

Editor's note: The British are going to take NATO and the world to war against Russia with evidence mounting almost daily. Andrew Bridgen MP discusses coming events including what we have known for a long time and that is the British are in Ukraine firing UK-manufactured Storm Shadow cruise missiles at Russian targets because the Ukrainians are not trained on their deployment. This means obviously the British are in a war with Russia only it hasn't been officially announced. Andrew Bridgen mentions that the UK's PM Sunak said, "he does not wish to be a war prime minister" and this is the reason Sunak called for elections to be held in July. This is a serious WARNING: The Paris Summer Olympics could be used in some mind altering traumatic event to create conditions for war.  The west has no other option: Interview: West Needs War Because Debts are no Longer Sustainable. Stoltenberg is going to look from his desk out his office window and see a Zircon milliseconds before impact: Stoltenberg Joins Calls for NATO Weapons To Be Used on Russian Territory.

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