Saturday, May 25, 2024

Queen of the EU Ursula von der Leyen

Editor's note: EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen herself is being run by European oligarchs who are warmongers operating behind the scenes through NATO. In growing European dissident political circles, von der Leyen is considered to be "an unelected lunatic, warmongering genocide cheerleader answering only to her true masters, who are in Washington DC and not in Europe." Under EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Brussels is planning never ending war against Russia on behalf of the US. NATO has co-opted all the political groups in Europe including the "greens", so unless barricades are placed to hold NATO back the people of Ukraine are going to be decimated by the psychopathic maniacs in Brussels who kissed Europe good bye. Europe is going to become irrelevant to the rest of the world.

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