Sunday, May 26, 2024

What do you mean, like do I carry a membership card that says 'Mafia' on it?

Editor's note: We said it before and we are gong to say it again: We are living in a "predator and a prey ecosphere." Capitalism doesn't exist and neither do free markets. This is "vulture capitalism" and the oligarchs are losing control. Keep this in mind when you listen to the viper-tongued Margaret Thatcher in the pirate City of London when she described in her neoliberal cloaked polite language the intent to steal natural resources in Russia. That's like saying give us your resources or we're going to put a gun to your head and shoot you. We are talking about a transnational criminal syndicate here. This is precisely the same thing in Niger going on with France and the US. The government of Niger has literally told the French and the US to get out. It's going to cost the British this time, the Russians are onto the them.

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