Friday, May 17, 2024

Georgia is going to get driven into a "color revolution" with "democracy" being the clarion call to violence

Editor's note: Ukraine had its "color revolution" in 2014 and look what erupted in Odessa leading up to Russia's SMO in Ukraine? The world is fed up and is not going to tolerate US-sponsored "color revolutions" any longer with the US now in Georgia stirring up trouble there. When US NGO representatives who show up on your doorstep using the terms "democracy" and "human rights" these are euphemisms for these NGOs to run amok in any nation the US targets. When you hear the word "democracy" being used get ready for violence. Color revolutions (US dollar hegemony and unsustainable debts) make sure those countries and now Georgia are enslaved and their economic development arrested. Georgia is now going to get driven into chaos, mayhem and more death Ukrainian style. When you represent resistance to the US as a politician working in the interests of your country and depending on your impact, your chances for getting assassinated are significantly increased. A full blown coup in Georgia is underway (also see US-EU assets pushing color revolution in Georgia).

News update on Georgia for 1 June 2024: US-Funded NGOs Tried to Stage 'Revolutions' in Georgia, Georgian PM Says

Source: RT

West wants 'color revolutions' in Central Asia – Moscow

Investments promised by the US and its allies are nothing but bait, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin has warned

May 14, 2024

The US and its allies promise Central Asian governments benefits to entice cooperation, but the West will be quick to topple them once they are no longer of use, a senior Russian diplomat has said.

Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin issued the warning in a speech at an event on Central Asian politics hosted by the Valdai Discussion Club in Ufa, Russia on Tuesday. 

According to him, the West wants "to reformat" the region for itself, "to call dibs on its natural resources, impose control on transport corridors that run through it, and to turn Central Asia into a staging ground for threats against Russian security." 

Western nations offer partnership programs and joint military exercises to governments in the region, the diplomat said. Other promised benefits include multimillion-dollar investments and preferential access to Western markets. But the overarching Western goal is to gain a firm hold on Central Asia, Galuzin said.

Read more: The West has invented a magic phrase to hide its geopolitical games

"We assume that once those aims are achieved, the governments in Central Asia would no longer be perceived as fellow travelers. The threat of color revolutions will rise accordingly." 

The term 'color revolution' refers to foreign-incited mass protests meant to force the government to resign and make way for purportedly more democratic and Western-approved leadership. Moscow has accused the US of orchestrating color revolutions for geopolitical gain, with NGOs and media organizations funded by Western governments used to lay the groundwork for unrest.

In one example, in December 2013, Victoria Nuland, a key figure in the US State Department responsible for European policy, bragged that Washington had invested $5 billion in a "democratic and European future" for Ukraine. The speech came amid protests in Kiev that later escalated into an armed coup that put the country on a collision course with Russia.

Galuzin insisted that Moscow values national sovereignty and the right of countries to put their own interests first. Central Asian governments "realize all the risks and potential damage that may come from getting too close to the West," he said.

Read more: US promises new Ukraine weapons will be game changer – media

Russia has historic ties with Central Asia and a record of fruitful cooperation with independent nations in the region which were once part of the USSR, Galuzin added. This record makes the country "an almost indispensable partner" for ensuring regional stability and security, he said.

Deploying violence:

COLOR REVOLUTION IN GEORGIA: Globalist NGOs Foment Mass Protest Against 'Foreign Agent Bill' That Would Mandate Disclosure of Funding Sources of These Same Organizations

Echoes of Maidan: Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?

US regime change operatives:

Are British Crown Agents also operating in Georgia?

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