Monday, May 20, 2024

There's been a misunderstanding...

Editor's note: Victoria Nuland apparently doesn't think Russia should be a part of any human civilization on Earth. And for that matter neither does the pathological liar William Browder. In fact, many in the west have a pathological hatred of Russia. This is what happens when superpowers are in commercial warfare. Not very conducive for any peaceful settlement is there? Ukraine is the deciding factor - so are 600,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers - between a unipolar world or a multipolar world. What do you want? A unipolar (continued commercial warfare) world or a multipolar (relative peace and equitable trade) world? The Africans want a multipolar world. This while the lunatic popey at the Vatican doesn't know what the hell he wants. Russia and China definately know what they want. Victoria Nuland will lie to get what she wants. The British definitely know what they want: prolonged commercial war on Russia. The Russian military know what they want: a fractured and destroyed NATO.

Putin In China Discussing The Future Of Humanity - Why You Aren't Allowed To Hear What Putin Said

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