Friday, May 31, 2024

The ICC has no authority - disband it

Editor's note: The ICC is a British operation and has no authority. The ICC is being used as a weapon against opposition to the imperial British fascist corporate overlay. Karim Khan himself is British. Apparently, Khan who is the ICC chief prosecutor stated, "he was told the court is built for Africa and for thugs like Putin." Interpret "thugs like Putin" as "British commercial proxy war on Russia." Look who shows up to confirm this: The Clooney Foundation for Justice, an organization founded by Hollywood glamor boy George Clooney and his wife Amal Clooney, wants to get the European Union and the International Criminal Court (ICC) to arrest Russian journalists abroad. Anna Neistat, an employee of the Clooney Foundation, said this in an interview with the Voice of America radio station (recognized as a foreign agent media in the Russian Federation). Voice of America is a CIA operation. Whether the the glamor boy Clooney realizes it or not, he works for the Banderite fascist lunatics running Kiev. Israel (artificial state) is perhaps correct: The ICC can go jump in a lake although there are a lot of conflicting inflection points.

U.S. Wanted ICC to Go After 'Black People' in Africa, Not White People: Ret. U.S. Army Colonel

ICC Must Investigate British Ministers For Complicity In Gaza Crimes

Now the International Criminal Court is seeking to issue an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, it must investigate his accomplices in the British government.

By Mark Curtis | May 20, 2024
Karim Khan (centre) announces ICC arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu.
(Photo: Screengrab / ICC)

• Seven British ministers – including Rishi Sunak, David Cameron, Grant Shapps and Kemi Badenoch – must be investigated for aiding Israel

With the ICC's chief prosecutor issuing an application for an arrest warrant against Israel's prime minister for "war crimes and crimes against humanity", attention must turn to those who have aided Israel.

British ministers have for months been materially assisting Israel during its onslaught against Palestinians in Gaza. This support is being provided in three main ways.

First, the UK is providing arms to Israel. Recently filed court documents reveal that, as of January this year, the UK government had 28 extant and 28 pending "high-risk" licences with Israel marked as "most likely to be used by the IDF in offensive operations in Gaza".

Please go to Declassified UK to continue reading. 

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