Sunday, May 12, 2024

Cooking the books in California

Editor's note: Didn't the state of California come up with a missing $20 billion in an unemployment fraud scheme in 2021? If the Democrats in California really want to turn on Newsom they will recall him. That's pretty impressive for the Bolshevik state of California. $40 billion missing in less than 4 years. And Newsom will remain in office like nothing happened. No problem the state will just increase taxes to make up for the losses. Have you checked our archives on California? Maybe Newsom is flying to Italy see visit with the Popey to ask for repentance? Who gets to pay the bill on that carbon emissions burning visit?

News update on California for 21 June 2024:

California archives

Source: SLAY

California Democrats Turn on Gov Newsom as $20 Billion in Homeless Council Funding Goes Missing

By Frank Bergman | May 10, 2024 
California Democrats have begun turning against Governor Gavin Newsom after $20 billion in taxpayer money allocated for tackling homelessness in the state has gone missing. 

Gov. Newsom's California Interagency Council on Homelessness (CICH) is unable to account for billions of dollars in funding over the past five years. 

The homeless council has no record of where the $20B has been spent, nor can Newsom's administration provide any evidence or examples of where the program has been successful in tackling homelessness in the states.

The huge sum of tax dollars has essentially vanished while the homeless crisis in California continues to spiral out of control.

The issue has led to a major blowback from within the Democrat governor's own party.

Democrat officials blasted Newsom's housing and homelessness officials during a budget committee hearing this week.

"You come to a budget committee, and there's no numbers," Democrat Assemblymember Phil Ting said to Newsom’s homelessness council officials.

"How many people have we helped?

"How many people are off the street?"

Please go to SLAY to continue reading.

$20 billion can go a long way for the homeless in San Francisco:

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