Saturday, May 18, 2024

NATO drinking the Kool Aid...

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Weapons Taster Tester for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

Ok, it is a clown world. And denial is not a river in Egypt.

NATO (see Putin's Only Real Fear: NATO Imbeciles) Supreme Allied Commander Europe United States General Christopher Cavoli, proclaimed about the new Russian offensive in the Kharkov Region:
"The Russians don't have the numbers necessary to do a strategic breakthrough...More to the point they don't have the skill and the ability to do it."
Ok, sure, but outside the 'circus tent' of the western media...

Ukrainian military losses since the start of Russia's special military operation (SMO) against NATO's Nazis: 

600 warplanes
274 helicopters
24,111 unmanned aerial vehicles
521 surface-to-air missile systems
16,053 tanks and other armored combat vehicles
1,300 multiple rocket launchers
9,607 field artillery guns and mortars
21,753 special military motor vehicles
600,000 soldiers 

I guess NATO Supreme Allied Commander 'Dip Shit' think tank general with all the ribbons on his chest didn't get the memo:

We just got our collective asses kicked pal. 


As we can see from the above Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryakbov called western "leaders" like NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe United States General Christopher Cavoli "delinquents":

Learn more about western leaders:

Russia's electronic counter intelligence warfare demonstrates Starlink's weaknesses:

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