Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Propaganda advertising: Zelensky "is in the dark"

Editor's note: From the outset Zelensky was hired on to prolong this commercial proxy war against Russia. This news source from RT reported from what was reported by the UK's The Economist. Anything from the UK media is suspect for being subterfuge, contrived or faked because the "media is the government." Ukraine does not have the capability to shoot down anything. Russia is now putting in place a buffer zone to prevent the terrorists in Ukraine from killing Russian civilians with artillery and missile attacks. Zelensky's job is to prolong this commercial proxy war on Russia for as long as it takes. Can anyone imagine what Zelensky's cut is being deposited into his account in Switzerland? Zelensky is not getting the "whole truth from his generals", goes the narrative. We can only use our imaginations to fill in the details. Like where is all the money that was intended to be used to construct Ukrainian defenses? 

Source: RT

Zelensky 'yelling at generals' – The Economist

The Ukrainian president allegedly believes that he is being kept in the dark about the situation at the front
FILE PHOTO: Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky during his year-end press conference in December 2023. 
© STR / NurPhoto via Getty Images 

May 21, 2024

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky believes his generals are hiding the truth from him and has taken to shouting at them, The Economist has claimed, citing a government source. 

Purported fits of presidential rage were mentioned in a Monday report on the situation in Kharkov Region, where Russian forces have gained significant ground over the last month. According to the British newsweekly, Ukrainian troops deployed there are angry at the development and have competing theories about the causes.

Some blame the US and its allies for insufficient and untimely aid, not unlike Zelensky himself, while others "suspect that incompetence, or even treachery, played a more significant role." There are also "conspiracy theories" about politicians in Kiev and Washington conspiring to sell the territory "down the river ahead of an ugly peace deal."

Denis Yaroslavsky, a local commander who made national headlines for complaining that fortifications that were supposed to prevent Russian advances did not really exist, told The Economist that Zelensky "is being kept in a warm bath" – that is, being told comforting lies by his aides.

The Economist's anonymous government source said the president has been clashing with Ukrainian generals after allegedly sensing that he was not getting the whole truth about the frontline situation.

Please go to RT to continue reading. 

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