Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Just stop moving, conserve your energy because the more you move the more energy you waste and the more value is stolen from you

Editor's note: What the Bank of England (BoE) does as we have stated repeatedly, is to lumber the debt onto the public. This must end and we have gone to great efforts to show the history of this and how you have been placed into a position as the "public" being held responsible for this debt by a privately held central bank.

Origin Begins at Fertilization - Catholic Church: Reform or Leave America

More on the Bank of England (BoE) that is the model for the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan (BoJ)

1694 to 2024: 330 years of central private banking with subservient governments


Usury: "Enclosure of the commons"

British Empire Is Based on Esoteric Judaism, the Art of Espionage, Profound Secrets, Illusion and Deceit Sanctified With the Double-Cross Gave Creation to Their Bastard Child Israel

The Federal Reserve System Is a Copy of the Bank of England

Central bankers' sophistry and the BoE

Unless this is stopped you will be public property and not private property. Imagine a digital marker when the infant is certified at birth that will track them their entire life?

The process of digitally marking every human is well underway but how many humans are even aware of where this is leading?

In this predator and prey ecosphere where houses are being bought up and financialized private equity firms like BlackRock get first dibs on any newly created money:

US financial behemoth Blackstone spends $740 million buying up MORE British homes amidst housing shortage

With the central banking death cult model war is the only option. Why the hell would any sane person use the money created by central banks when the inevitability of war is now becoming startling real?

He has a point: What's the use of working when the value of the money we use is being devalued and your value is being extracted (stolen energy)? You didn't create this system of predator and prey ecosphere so why the hell participate in it? John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim and Isidor Straus were removed going down on the Titanic because they opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve and wanted instead a "sound money system" for America.

Punch out. Just get out. Create your own version of existence. This is the "end times apocalypse" so here is a message on how to rise up above it all and manifest your own reality:

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