Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Phoenicians are vacuuming up all the wealth while you are choking on fentanyl, fake vaccines, fluoridated water and poisoned food

Editor's note: The tech geeks and libertarians are not going to like this one.

Bitcoin Mining is another SCAM 

First published June 12, 2024

I don't know if I am the first to suggest this, but I often seem to be the only one stating the obvious these days. Bitcoin mining makes no sense, so it must be a scam by energy producers to sell more electricity. There is no logical reason for encryption to be so expensive or energy intensive, so this is just another part of the bitcoin scam, perhaps the central part.

Here is one place they throw it in our faces:
Issues With Bitcoin Mining

Between one in 88 trillion odds, scaling difficulty levels, and the massive network of users verifying transactions, one block of transactions is verified roughly every 10 minutes.8 But it's important to remember that 10 minutes is a goal, not a rule.
Did you catch that numerology? One in 88 trillion? Really? That couldn't just be the usual excuse to get aces and eights in there, could it? And notice all the other numbers in that paragraph are also aces and eights, including the number of the footnote

We have allegedly been in an energy crisis since the 1970s, so it makes no sense that the regulators would allow the obscene waste of energy that is bitcoin mining. I think of it like car racing, but much worse. If the energy crisis had ever been real, the feds would have long since outlawed all sorts of car racing and any other sports that used excessive amounts of fuel or electricity. And yet every time I go to a bar with a TV I see the guys in their monster trucks are still at it. The energy crisis has always been staged, for no other reason than to drive prices way up. Same thing they are now doing with eggs, chickens, beef, coffee, chocolate, and so on. They fake some shortage which seems to explain a steep rise in prices. They tell you a million chickens were just killed due to bird flu or 10,000 cattle in Texas perished in a brush fire. All staged to drive prices up. A manufactured excuse for price gouging.

Bitcoin mining is now a part of that scam, since it seems to create competition for resources. More demand for electricity, so higher prices. But like everything else in the New World Order, it is just a mirage. It is a stupid story they invented to fool you into giving them more of your money. They dangle some hope of future profit while sending you bigger and bigger electricity bills. As I say, there can't be any power or fuel shortage, since if there were we wouldn't be allowed to waste it so stupidly. If we were really switching over from oil to electricity due to peak oil, we would need a far greater percentage of our electricity output for vehicles. Not only would we have a huge worldwide push to lower electricity usage, we would have an immediate ban on bitcoin mining. This would be the absolute worst time historically to have bitcoin mining, since any electricity surplus should be going to new vehicles. And yet we don't see any of that. We see a huge move to electric vehicles at the same time we see a huge uptick in bitcoin mining, and no push to conserve anything. The cities are still lit up all night for no reason. The military is still wasting fuel like there is no tomorrow, flying around in their jets and driving around in their tanks and boating around in their aircraft carriers for no reason.

Don't believe me? Just today it was reported there will be huge oil glut in the next five years, as production increases and consumption narrows due to EVs. So that peak oil scare we have been hearing about for three decades continues to fail to arrive. We were supposed to hit it by 2000, but won't hit it even in the 2030s. Do you think oil prices will start dropping? Don't count on it.

Plus, if there was any real energy crisis, there would be big government incentives for moving to more temperate climates. They would be trying to get you out of cities like Houston and San Antonio and New Orleans and Phoenix and Las Vegas, since the energy to cool those places is colossal. And yet we see the opposite. It is the southern states that are growing the most now, led by Texas and Florida. During "global warming". They have no problem with you running the AC non-stop all year long. All the buildings downtown are set to freezing all summer, so that the guys can wear wool three-piece suits, and they don't even give the ACs a break at night. Those big towers in the desert cities are freezing all night long.

What must it mean? It must mean that they can do what Tesla promised: create nearly infinite amounts of energy, so much you can't meter it. In a real Republic they would provide it to citizens at cost, which would make it almost free. But the fatcats can't have that. They need to fake these crises and shortages and competitions that appear to drive the cost way up so that—as with the military—they can charge you 10,000x over cost for everything.

The dirty big secret is that not only should none of us be living on the streets, none of us should be poor. I have previously told you that everyone in Norway should be a millionaire, due to their energy reserves, but I have come to realize it isn't just Norway. If the Phoenicians weren't robbing us all blind, we would all be millionaires. Or living like millionaires. Instead, the world is set up to vacuum all resources and wealth into the hands of a tiny evil minority too small to even use it. They just store it away in vaults to make themselves feel important, while the rest of us choke on Fentanyl and fake vaccines and fluoridated water and poisoned food and Phoenician lies.

Which brings us to this:
In a June 11 post on the Trump-owned Truth Social, the presidential candidate said he wanted "all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! [sic]" and claimed it would help the country be "energy dominant."
Do I need to tell you what that means in the light of what we just discovered? I hope not, but I will anyway. First of all, read the sentence closely, as I have taught you. He says mining bitcoin will make the country energy dominant. Please try to make sense of that, if you can. Bitcoin is supposed to be a fiat currency alternative, so what does that have to do with being energy dominant? And if we are wasting huge amounts of electricity doing something that doesn't need to be done (playing a silly blockchain guessing game, basically), how does that make us energy dominant? The only way it could make us "energy dominant" is if this wasting of energy is making some sector of the economy even more obscenely wealthy. . . which of course it is. We won't be energy dominant in the sense that we are producing the most energy, but in the sense that we will be making the most energy profits by gouging our own citizens and the rest of the world for something they should be getting for almost free. This is what Trump and his pals in bitcoin are celebrating, since you can be sure they are invested heavily in electricity.

Which reminds us this must be what electric cars are about as well. It can't have anything to do with the environment since the Phoenicians have never cared a fig about the environment. If they did we wouldn't be living in a cesspool of chemicals. What they care about is increasing electricity usage and with it all profits in that sector. As with money printing, they must have an infinite supply of it, so they just need to increase demand.

And where is all this energy really coming from? Coal? No, since coal really is a finite resource. Nuclear? No, since nuclear energy has always been a fraud, again invented to drive costs up. Solar?

Possibly, but not the kind of solar energy they are selling you, with their expensive panels and arrays. They have tapped the Sun-Earth link, which could be called solar, but it is really the charge field and it is coming up more from below you than above you. This energy is so great it is basically inexhaustible by current standards. Charging you for it is like charging you for sunlight falling on your head or heat coming from a fire.

And what does that imply? I don't mean to get ahead of you, but what it implies is that the Phoenicians don't need to hog resources, since the whole Malthusian argument has evaporated. Or, it was always just another Phoenician conjob, meant to justify their own theft, but now we should see what a fraud it always was. At least as far as energy goes, there is no competition for resources, so the Phoenicians keeping you trapped in poverty and misery can't even be justified as the competition of Nature. In truth, you could become wealthy without them becoming any less wealthy, so their continuing to stomp on you is just perverse pleasure on their part. This is what they have always done and they apparently can't do otherwise. They don't kick the dog because he shit on the rug or stole a bone, they kick him just because he is at foot level and the kicking feels good to them. If he is pretty or friendly or wants to go outside and play, they kick him all the harder. His only hope is to become vicious and psychotic like them, in which case he may earn a bit of respect, and thereby a smaller animal that he can torture or kill.

And what does that tell you about the "inevitable" economic collapse you are being prepped for? It should tell you that, like everything else, that is being manufactured by the Phoenicians for no other reason but to grind you. As with the Great Depression, this one will be completely scripted and unnecessary. They told us not to question their authority or they would collapse the economy on purpose, and that is what is happening. It will not be a market correction, it will be a punishment, pure and simple. You were supposed to continue solemnly saluting them for your paper freedoms, but you were never supposed to act free or equal. You were supposed to buy the “question authority” bumpersticker and put it on your little 20-year-old Subaru and feel empowered, but you were never supposed to question authority. You were supposed to take your fake vaccine without a peep and dutifully die, but because you didn't do that quietly enough you are now being set up for an even more demoralizing demise, as a warning to those who survive.

But as I keep telling you, you don't have to do that. It is ultimately up to you. You can live on your own terms and you can die on your own terms. Death is nothing to fear. The thing to fear and resist is your own corruption. Which is why they will remain the biggest losers, come what may. 

Related to bitcoin:

How many billions have been dropped into this outfit over the years:

If you don't take your mandated vaccines these bankers can turn off your money:


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