Thursday, June 20, 2024

Japan goes dark

Editor's note:  Do the perpetrators also include the political and corporate elite who run Japan who foisted these Covid bioweapons on the Japanese population through WHO who have the highest Covid injection rate in the world per population at 80 percent? More negative news comes from Japan with the announcement yesterday that Japan's fifth largest bank Norinchukin Bank (Norinchukin is the country's fifth largest bank with $840 billion in assets) will sell more than 10 trillion yen ($63 billion) of its holdings of US and European government bonds during the year ending March 2025 as it aims to stem its losses from bets on low-yield foreign bonds. It is being described as the "music has stopped" (or Japan has plans to tag along with BRICS). Unfortunately, so goes US banks so goes Japan's banks. Now toss in excess deaths form Covid injections, a rapidly aging population and Japan's banking and financial woes and Japan goes dark.

Japan's Norinchukin Bank to sell $63bn of U.S. and European bonds

Japan: 'Billions of Dying Vaxxed Have Dementia – Perpetrators Must Be Punished'

June 20, 2024 | By Baxter Dmitry

Huge numbers of Japanese are taking to the streets to protest crimes against humanity perpetrated by the World Health Organization and WEF during the pandemic as Japanese scientists continue leading the world in exposing the disastrous health consequences of the vaccine. 

While Western scientists operate under the control of Big Pharma coercion, Japanese neuroscientists are alarmed at the explosive surge in dementia cases among COVID vaccinated individuals as a massive study of more than half a million people reveals the vaccine has inflicted early onset dementia on an extraordinary number of people. 

The Western mainstream media, funded by Big Pharma and Bill Gates, is desperate to suppress this news, ordering a media blackout across the board. That’s why we are determined to bring it to as many people as possible today.

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Last week we bought you the news that leading Japanese politicians have accepted that Covid vaccines are the largest public health disaster of the last century and they have begun apologizing for their role in forcing the deadly vaccines on the population.

But Japan is not finished investigating the Covid vaccine yet.

While the Western world is controlled by Big Pharma, Japanese scientists, researchers, and journalists operate free from the sway of pharmaceutical funding.

As Japan's leading neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano explains, major studies in recent times have revealed the Covid vaccine is far worse than anybody previously imagined, with far reaching consequences for vaccinated brains.

The explosion in dementia cases among the vaccinated is particularly tragic because as the Japanese neuroscientists explain, there is no cure and the afflicted only have years to live.

The great depopulation of the world continues and as the neuroscientists explain, it will only accelerate from this point on.

These damning findings regarding cognitive decline from one of the world's largest Covid vaccine studies leave nowhere for Covid vaccine apologists to go.

But unfortunately for the vaccinated, the news continues to get worse.

The neuroscientists also highlighted the rise in prion diseases, the once rare and deadly neurodegenerative disease that have become more widespread since the rollout of mRNA vaccines.

While the mainstream media continues doing the devil's work trying to keep keep the public in the dark and protect the reputation of their powerful Big Pharma advertisers, in the real world the Covid vaccine gig is up.

Thanks to people like yourself who share and spread this news and donate to keep The People's Voice afloat, more people are waking up than ever before, and we are now blessed with some remarkable news that proves we are winning the battle against the Covid cartel.

Please go to People's Voice to continue reading. 

This is very intriguing:

More from Japan's Dr. Hiroto Komano:

Related but from Canada (there are always solutions):

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