Wednesday, June 5, 2024

British propaganda (never ending spin) in the UK's terminal commercial war of attrition against Russia

Editor's note: This is British propaganda in its vilest antagonistic form. This is "government through the media." Russia is planning no such war in Europe. If you read, give credibility to or entertain yourselves with any news source vomiting out of the UK you are being programmed. Nothing is revealed as Mail Online erroneously states in their headline. British intelligence sources writing through the UK media continues to convey "Russia invaded Ukraine" but the historical facts do not agree with this intended false assertion. This is how the UK is selling war. It's a sales job. It is advertising copy editing to get a lot of people killed. The UK Mail Online ran a story the US has a hypersonic missile capable of reaching Moscow. More copy edit advertising. The central bank death cult model based on war is approaching...and if NATO wants to see thousands of dead soldiers within a week of entering Ukraine Russia has provided the invitation. The second Russia detects NATO movement along these alleged "corridors" Russia will release salvos of missiles at those NATO assets and they won't hesitate. Can anyone even begin to imagine the disaster of NATO soldiers being led into this potential nightmare with demonstrably proven incompetent western leaders? 

Source: Mail Online

Revealed - NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears Moscow is plotting major war with Europe

NATO leaders previously agreed to ready 300,000 troops for rapid deployment

By JAMES REYNOLDS | 4 June 2024

NATO is drawing up plans to send American troops to the frontlines of Europe in the event of an all-out conflict with Russia, it has been revealed. 

New 'land corridors' are being carved out to quickly funnel soldiers through central Europe without local bureaucratic impediments, allowing NATO forces to pounce in an instant should Putin's devastating war in Ukraine move further west. 

The plans are said to include contingencies in case of Russian bombardment, letting troops sweep into the Balkans via corridors in Italy, Greece and Turkey, or towards Russia's northern border via Scandinavia, officials told The Telegraph.

Tensions have ratcheted up in recent weeks, with Russian President Vladimir Putin openly acknowledging the 'possibility' of 'a full-scale Third World War' as he threatens 'fatal consequences' for western allies allowing Ukraine use of their weapons on Russian soil.

Ukraine's challenge in repelling the Russian invasion has moved European leaders to take a harder stance on Moscow as the war rages on into its third year, some now threatening to send troops east and making record investments into defence. 
Please go to Mail Online to continue reading this trash. 

Lunacy erupts in Germany:

On a deeper level there is this:

World War III Is Now Inevitable Because...

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