Monday, November 20, 2023

British Empire Is Based on Esoteric Judaism, the Art of Espionage, Profound Secrets, Illusion and Deceit Sanctified With the Double-Cross Gave Creation to Their Bastard Child Israel

Editor's note: The occult magician John Dee mentioned in this material was trained by the Thaumaturgus extraordinaire (performer of miracles) Rabbi Judah Loew in Prague when Dee met with Loew in the 1580s (Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Michael Hoffman, 2001, page 97). Dee's expertise in espionage was gained in part from his mastery of the 15th century cryptography text, Steganographia (the art of writing in secret code), attributed to the Kabbalist Johannes Trithemius (claimed as the founder of modern cryptography) as well as the top-secret volume of twilight language, of uncertain provenance, known as The Soyga (Hoffman, page 35). By incorporating esoteric Judaism with the science and art of espionage and profound secrets based on deceit, illusion and the double-cross the British empire was born. John Dee cannot be removed from history. This guy shaped history with a huge footprint and we are currently living in the "reality" he created.

"British Israelism" - The British Empire was the Jewish Conspiracy

November 20, 2023

Far from subverting Britain, the Zionists enlisted the British to the cause of Jewish world supremacy by convincing them they were Jews themselves descendants of the ten tribes. Henceforth the "Jewish conspiracy" was clothed as the British Empire. The US has now assumed this mantle.

"British Israel" is a term used by Helen Peters in her 1970 book The Union Jack, to describe the manipulative efforts of elite British oligarchs to create a one world feudal society-controlled by British oligarchs of course-by first creating the State of Israel (the 1917 Balfour Declaration), and then using Christian fundamentalists to promote the idea that Israel's victory in war means Christ will return and save them.

by Jude Duffy

Some white nationalists
portray the British Empire as a noble victim of unjust calumny by Zionists.

In the centuries since the Reformation, Anglo-Protestant imperialism and Jewish supremacism formed an enduring alliance, which found organized expression in occult societies like the British Israel Movement which held that:

"The 10 "lost" tribes of Israel are actually the Anglo-Saxon race and are specifically the people of Great Britain. By definition, then, the Anglo-Saxon (or white) people are the true Israelites, being the descendants of Abraham and are the only chosen people of God and heirs to the covenant of God. The Anglo Saxon race is in fact a race of Israelites with a mission received from the Highest Authority to establish God's Kingdom on earth."

The English royalty have long considered themselves descendants of King David and accordingly think and act as Jews. The British Crown claims that their throne at Westminster Abbey is the throne of David. Prince Charles, who is considered the 145th direct descendant of King David, was circumcised by Rabbi Jacob Snowman, the official mohel of London. British heirs to the throne have been circumcised by Jewish rabbis for many generations.

The British Israelites claimed "British" means "Man of the Covenant" i.e. Jew.


John Dee, the occult magician at the court of Elizabeth I, was apparently the first person to coin the term "British Empire". From the very get go the Empire was an occult cabalist project - all its main propagandists, and indeed actors, being occultists of one sort or another.

According to Stuart Piggot's book, "The Druids", Dee "grew up surrounded by the controversy and currents" of what became known as the British Empire - and "sought to merge the Arthurian Imperial tradition with cabalistic interpretations of Hebrew scripture".

"Dee created the concept of British Israel, which gave the British and the Jews a common racial identity, and invoked biblical prophecy to show the inevitable triumph of British imperialism, the British as Abraham's seed were to inherit the earth."

Far from being simply an ethnocentric take on Biblical Christianity, Dee's pseudo-genealogical supremacist theory was steeped in pagan druidism, being "Christian" only in the sense that New Age pantheism is "Christian", i.e., it coopted elements of Christian doctrine and ritual, the better to insinuate itself almost effortlessly into the mainstream of British Christian life.

Dee's contemporary, the celebrated Elizabethan poet, Edmund Spenser, laid out a manifesto for British occult imperialism in his epic poem, The Faerie Queene, which called for the ruthless crushing of Irish Catholics, the forcible imposition of the English language in Ireland, and the practice of incest among the English.


Two centuries later, another mouthpiece for Anglo-Judaeo Masonry, Marx's sidekick, Friedrich Engels, gleefully predicted the wiping out of "whole races of reactionaries" - e.g., the Gaels, the Basques, the Slavs etc., - in the cause of "progress".

Zionists talk endlessly of the Holocaust, and Anglo white nats counter by invoking the genocidal Ukrainian Holodomor, but neither side dare mention the deliberate forcible starvation of Irish Catholics in the mid 19th century by the Masonic British government - an act of genocide that a Times of London editorial of 1848 gloated would make "the Celt as rare on the banks of the Shannon as the Redman on the banks of the Manhattan".

Despite its occult Masonic origins and genocidal policies, Anglo-Israelism gained many adherents among British and American Protestants, who promoted the theory of the British Royal Family as the House of David, and Britain and the United States as the modern tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh respectively.

One might have expected that the Jews, the original self-designated "chosen", would have resented the Johnny come lately Anglo pretenders to chosenness, but far from it: Jewish supremacists welcomed the claims of Anglo-Freemasonry to tribal co-ethnicity precisely because they understood that wherever it took root, Freemasonry laid waste the surrounding Christian civilization.

Most reliable evidence indicates that the English share considerably more genetic heritage with the French than with the Germans, but when did facts ever get in the way of racial supremacist theories?

Benjamin Disraeli, the Jewish supremacist British Prime Minister of the mid-Victorian era, eagerly promoted Anglo-Israelism as the semi-official ideology of the British Empire - which, thanks to Jewish sponsorship, was then reaching the zenith of its power and prestige.

Borrowing heavily from Protestant theories of wealth and success as a sign of divine favour, Anglo-Israelists argued that Britain's great power in the world proved the English were part of God's chosen race. The logic was circular - the belief in chosenness impelled the supremacist drive to be "top nation": the ensuing top nation status then being cited as evidence of chosen-ness,

Anglo-Israelism in the 19th century made huge inroads in the the Church of England; the de facto takeover of Anglicanism by Masonic Israelists prompted Cardinal Newman to desert the English state church and convert to Catholicism.

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Stop living in their fairyland of deceit, treachery, illusion and profound secrets because it is collapsing:

What else should be expected?

Balfour Declaration and how Great Britain gave Palestine to the Jews:

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