Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Life and Uncommon Adventures of Capt. Dudley Bradstreet (1755)

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Designer for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

"Turnabout is fair play." Methunk t'was Shakespeare, but alas, no. According to the esteemed reference work, The Yale Book of Quotations, the earliest known occurrence of the proverb "Turnabout is fair play" is in The Life and Uncommon Adventures of Capt. Dudley Bradstreet (1755). 

20 years before we overthrew England over taxes. 

And now....
But its safe to say the troika, cadre, cabal...what ever you want to call them ...has burnt down the forest for the sake of rainbows. 

...and life on the Earth is very unforgiving and Russia is considering it's options.
Turn around is fair play, even in a 'rules based order' Ha ha ha ha ha...
~ Klosov 

A tax on your labor is meant to eat out your substance. And the 87,000 number is remains uncertain. 

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