Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Japan gearing up to become a global leader in the biotechnology sector

Editor's note: Japan being a resource poor country is developing biotechnology to become a world leader in the sector. This is the reason why Japan's government is not discussing or releasing any information through their tightly controlled (heavily censored where television is a wasteland) media related to the mRNA injections that have had a serious impact on the health of many Japanese as testified to by Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Japan's most senior oncologist. Dr. Masanori Fukushima has described the mRNA Covid injections as "a work of evil that led to the murder of thousands of people." This is also why Japan's government was silent concerning protests in Tokyo where thousands of Japanese people showed up in opposition to WHO. Japan's government cannot risk Japan's pharmaceutical industry from not developing their biotechnology industry. In Japan, corporations do nothing without the large government bureaucracy behind them. The biotechnology market in Japan was "valued at $44.1 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR OF 6.7 percent during the forecasted period of 2022 to 2030." Japan wants a piece of the biotechnology action and is why their pharmaceutical sector is all onboard with further development of mRNA vaccines. They really have no choice if Japan's economy is going to remain relevant. 


Participation In Coronaville (日本武田薬品のコロナビルへの参加) Tachi Yamada: "Global Kingpin" 

April 20, 2020

Japan needs a major economic boost and coronavirus is the solution. Rather than an all out war the second best thing they can get is a war on coronavirus (common cold and influenza). Can somebody please tell us why Tachi Yamada [deceased 4 August 2021] who is Executive Vice-President, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, and a Board Member of Takeda Pharmaceuticals, is the president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? In January 2012, Fortune Magazine ranked the Takeda Oncology Company as one of the 100 best companies to work for in the United States. 

In 1977, Takeda first entered the U.S. pharmaceutical market by developing a joint venture with Abbott Laboratories called TAP Pharmaceuticals. Abbott Laboratories developed a portable diagnostic test to detect COVID-19 within a short period of time. In case people haven’t figured the scam out in Coronaville, the tests for coronavirus are bullshit. Expect them to start rolling out ventilators for this “major global crisis” when now it’s been shown the ventilators are causing more problems than the damn coronavirus. Turns out Yamada was selected to lead the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program who is also on the board of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). We are looking at a huge conflict of interest here. 

"As the NIAID director, NIH's Anthony Fauci helped guide the vaccine-pushing project as a member of its Leadership Team. He was joined by other globalist kingpins including Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF; Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO; Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance; and Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."

Come on Japan, release the tests and show us the documented scientific proof on the specific strain being tested. Then tell us the statistics on the number of alleged coronavirus patients who are either presently sick, or who have died who were or are on blood pressure meds. All these global big pharma cartels are in on the coronavirus vaccines being rolled out. All these drug companies stand to make billions as the race to find a coronavirus vaccine gets ramped up with one company after another including Takeda Pharmaceuticals. We will leave you with the work of Dr. Andrew Kaufman as you roll up your sleeve in Coronaville.


Without chicken influenza selling influenza vaccines might be a bit difficult. In all actuality, fires at chicken farms are a rather common occurrence. All that methane in chicken shit is rather explosive under the right conditions. Whenever the flu season hits suddenly it's a "flu pandemic" and "authorities are concerned." Advertising for Japan's pharmaceutical industry. If that's the case get more sunshine, fresh air, plenty of water, exercise and lots of Vitamin D.

Leave it to WHO. They will find anything. Get those vaccines ready.

The cost of competition:

Japan's ten hottest biotech companies in healthcare 

Japan is going after the money in the pharmaceutical industry and why Japan's governemt supports WHO. Quote:
"This is a money deal. The lesson that the WHO and Big Pharma learned is that they could suck a lot of money out of a lot of countries and trick a lot of people, but they missed a whole bunch of black and brown people in poor countries, and so they needed an agreement to redirect wealth from unsuspecting governments in wealthy nations (or maybe suspecting I don’t know) and other organizations, to build out their infrastructure in poor nations, so they can go after them (too)." ~ James Roguski

Above quote from:

The WHA Adopted Amendments to the IHR. What now?

More on IHR:

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