Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Boeing and the Pentagon lost control of their supply chains...

Editor's note: fly and fight at your own risk. How is it possible for Paul Krugman to claim to be a leading economist on the US economy and not understand supply chains? In this video clip, Krugman talks about supply chains as if he only now has heard of them or even thought about them when they are the critical component in any economy. Krugman received a Nobel Prize in economics so he should be brilliant right? Wrong. Krugman is a "voodoo economist." Why didn't Krugman call out the fact that when the US senate passed legislation to establish and participate in the World Trade Organization (WTO), when they voted in favor of surrendering the US economy? Open borders. Open financial systems - bring in foreign money and buy up everything. It's through supply chains that manufacturers have the US and Boeing by the short hairs. Look at history. The US waged supply chain warfare against Hitler's Germany before WWII. What did China do during the so-called COVID pandemic? Supply chain warfare - "you can't have any masks" - except at emergency (extortion) prices. The US-UK blew up Russia's Nord Stream pipelines in an attack on the supply chain to Germany cutting off cheap energy for German industry in this commercial proxy war against Russia.

Now we come to Boeing. All the problems Boeing has had over the last decade are degradation of supply chain issues - distributed production which means Boeing lost control of quality.  Below is a link to a congressional hearing with Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun testifying goes along with with the articles linked below. Distributed production is the loss of quality control. Boeing is paying for that loss of control. So is the flying public who decide to fly on Boeing aircraft. So are the insurers and reinsurers who cover Boeing. This is not the first time the issue of distributed production has been an issue for Boeing. Boeing's new 777 aircraft between 5-7 years ago when the problem first came to light had serious concerns because of distributed production. Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun testifying on manufacturing and safety issues:

Here are other links on supply chain to assist investigators and investigative journalists as well as the congressional staff of Rep. Josh Hawley (please contact and forward this material to Hawley's offices) to plow through on these critical economic issues destroying the US economy: 

Global Supply Chain Management
As the new CEO of Boeing (who is leaving probably) paid $33 million a year the immediate impression is that he was a "terminator CEO." The global management and consulting firm McKinsey is famous (in some circles) for providing "terminator CEOs."  They come in and destroy the company and then the company is sold off for parts essentially. Jeff Skilling of Enron was a McKinsey terminator. (Ken Lay was a dope - a useful stooge). Anytime you notice corporate involvement with McKinsey red flags should be flying all over the place. McKinsey has been embroiled in one scandal after another. There shouldn't be criminal charges against Boeing. That would only further destroy the company. Boeing needs to be brought under control by a CEO appointed by the board from within the company and then work to secure Boeing's supply chain and offer indemnity to those who have been killed and injured because of this negligence.

Does Boeing sound like a company as a target for destruction? What we are seeing now is how outsourcing over the past several decades has finally caught up with and destroyed Boeing. That outsourcing of Boeing's software for $9 an hour should also be investigated. Forbes reported in February, 2024 that "Boeing decided to outsource 70% of the design, engineering and manufacturing of entire modules to over 50 strategic partners." This is what you would expect with the agreements under the WTO the US senate agreed on. And now we see how dysfunctional these US congressional hearings are on Boeing while the great and brilliant Nobel Prize-winning American economist Paul Krugman completely dismisses supply chains. When Boeing lost control of its supply chains and because of outsourcing billions in over budget and costs became inherent. This is the formula for failure.

The board of Boeing needs to source exclusionary of McKinsey, a loyal Boeing executive and hire from within giving the new CEO full power to reconstruct Boeing production - eliminating as much as possible outside production and outsourcing. Whether or not Boeing can find capable employees is doubtful considering DEI has destroyed many US universities. Boeing was at the top of American manufacturing and now Boeing is on the downward slope to oblivion while aircraft manufacturing in Russia and China are on the incline. This should be of concern for Boeing mid level management and its employees. Boeing was always one of the greatest companies in America. Boeing is now lost in space and this will finish them off:

News update on Boeing for 26 June 2024:

Another Boeing Planes Suffers Mid-Air Emergency, Plunges 27,000 Feet

News update on Boeing for 27 June 2024:

More on Boeing:

Boeing demonstrates to the flying public "vulture capitalism"

Pentagon supply chains

Take a serious look at the Pentagon's supply chain problems that have gone critical. The Pentagon clearly has lost control of supply chains considering the Pentagon in many cases has no idea where the microprocessors used in much of their equipment/systems are sourced from. This began when they re-wrote the Pentagon's procurement programs. The military used to have a very strict and disciplined process for purchasing. When William Cohen became the Secretary of Defense these bright people wanted to start buying off-the shelf PC's and Microsoft hardware and tech equipment. All of the discipline the Pentagon once had was tossed out the window. Pentagon corporate overseer stooges gave their procurement officers credit cards and just turned them loose. The Pentagon is a giant black hole of waste, fraud and corporate abuse and everything in its path gets sucked into it lost forever. The DoD also has a $10 billion contract with Amazon Web Services to provide cloud computing of classified and non-classified data. Call it what you might it is cronyism.

As an example, a supply sargeant stationed in Japan had one of these credt cards. He was responsible for supplying the squadron. With every purchase he made over a several year period for the squadron's supply needs, he bought additional equipment, clothing and supplies - for himself. His off base house had a storage room and it was full of government tools, supplies, clothing, equipment and almost anything you could think of all stolen. Remember when Pentagon employees were caught using government credit cards to pay for adult entertainment, child porn and for gambling? Multiply this 1,000 times over the years since 2001 all across the DoD in orders of magnitude. A lot of them were prosecuted for theft - but not nearly enough of them. This is why Rumsfeld had to report the $2-3 trillion dollars missing from DOD accounts. At the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, Rumsfeld got emergency war time funding - $84 billion but that money did not go into the Pentagon procurement system. It was kept in an emergency account that Rumsfeld controlled.  Here is the Princeton educated aspartame man (the sweet poison) brought in to baffle Americans with his boiler plate corporate bureaucratic bullshit speak just like he did with aspartame:

And not a damn thing was done to reverse this in the intervening years while billions of dollars worth of US military equipment was left in Afghanistan... 

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