Saturday, June 15, 2024

Cockroach infestation

Editor's note: Honestly, the only analogy we could come up with for British intelligence and Crown Agents is that they are like cockroaches. British intelligence really are cockroaches. You will find them everywhere. When the lights get turned on and cockroaches detect movement you will see them scampering everywhere. There are cockroach infestations in Macedonia, China, Syria, Qatar, Yemen, Africa, Ukraine, Israel, Lebanon, Yugoslavia and Slovenia, Libya (to kill Qaddafi), inside Al Qaeda, crawling all over the US for decades, definitely in Russia, in Germany, most European countries, Central America, the Middle East best described as an "infestation."

British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations

By Kit Klarenberg | June 14, 2024

Charles Garrett, an apparent British intel agent, teamed up with a local prosecutor to wrongfully indict Macedonian public figures and topple the country's government. Everywhere Garrett goes in the region, coups seem to follow.

Western media demonstrated little interest when the anti-Western VMRO-DPMNE party achieved a landslide victory in Macedonia's presidential and parliamentary elections this May 8. However, the seismic development could reverse a foreign-orchestrated color revolution sparked almost a decade ago, which put the government in Skopje on a path guided by the EU and NATO. Getting there required rampant corruption and criminality, and a locally despised change of the country's name. 

British meddling figured centrally in that regime change operation, with an apparent MI6 operative named Charles Garrett stirring up trouble on the ground while coordinating with opposition actors. Garrett enjoyed an evidently intimate bond with a crooked, high-profile local prosecutor who used illegally-obtained and heavily tainted wiretap evidence to wrongfully indict and blackmail scores of Macedonian public figures. Garrett appears to have been in a position to improperly profit from this relationship. 

As The Grayzone has documented, London operates a dedicated program known as "Global Britain" in the West Balkans. Leaked documents related to the effort reveal it is concerned with insidiously influencing the composition of local governments and legal and regulatory environments to advance British interests, while filling regional institutions, including the military-intelligence apparatus, with handpicked assets. According to one leaked file, MI6 does not tolerate regional opposition to its agenda, and readily deploys active measures to neutralize local resistance:

"In contexts where elite incentives are not aligned with [Britain's] objectives/values… an approach that seeks to hold elite politicians to account might be needed… We can build relationships and alliances with those who share our objectives and values for reform… It is critical that the media have the capacity and freedom to hold political actors to account."

What transpired in Macedonia over the past decade offers a stark example of what happens to governments in the Balkans who do not share Britain's professed values, and how they are "held to account." So too does a 2020 coup in Kyrgyzstan, where Garrett set up shop next after leaving Skopje. Central Asia is now in the crosshairs of London's endless quest for regime change. 

'Bombs' unseat elected government for NATO

NATO's efforts to expand in the former Yugoslavia became turbocharged after Russia’s March 2014 reunification with Crimea. The Grayzone documented how alliance membership was imposed on Montenegro in 2016 despite near-universal public opposition. Achieving this feat required support for a corrupt, savage pro-Western dictator in power for almost two decades, and an elaborate connivance whereby anti-NATO opposition actors were jailed on spurious charges of colluding with Russian intelligence to overthrow the government, based on bogus CIA and MI6-supplied evidence.

Similar subterfuge played out in Skopje, which signed a "Membership Action Plan" with NATO in 1999. While slightly more supportive of NATO membership than Montenegrins, the local population near-unanimously opposed changing the country's name, which Greece, the EU and US demanded as a prerequisite for joining. The VMRO government, led by hardline nationalist Nikola Gruevski, pledged Macedonia would always be called Macedonia. So a Western-orchestrated coup was put into motion. 

Please go to The GrayZone to continue reading.

Likely find British intelligence in this lot as well:

The Phoenicians are planning something:

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Might even find a British connection to this outfit:

Americans need to act right now to remove themselves as a U.S. Citizen and Ward of the British Territorial State of State:

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