Tuesday, June 11, 2024

In crime scenes always follow the flow of money

Editor's note: Whatever anyone thinks of a Donald Trump presidency at this point doesn't matter as we have reached an inflection point. It now seems entirely plausible and likely that once Donald Trump swears his oath of allegiance on Monday, January 20, 2025 these people are going to be arrested. 

Putting this into context - Red state AGs and county sheriffs: the ball is in your court

There is nothing that will slow down or stop the pharmaceutial-industrial complex: 

H5N8 Bird Flu vaccine shipping to EU: up to 40 million doses of an untested vaccine designed for a disease that does not exist

When investigating crime scenes in economic forensics always trace the flow of money:

When investigating crime scenes in economic forensics always trace news stories:

War in the predator and prey ecosphere:

It is important to understand in this predator and prey ecosphere we live to not feed the predator:

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