Sunday, June 9, 2024

There is a fundamental theme here: Central banks

Editor's note: We need to start thinking about what we are going to replace the Federal Reserve with. The hell with Europe. They can figure their own financial and economic mess out. A discussion with Abdassamad Clarke on riba, usury, and the history of money: 

How central banks control the global economy, with Prof. Richard A. Werner: 

Breaking the Bank: Senator Lee of Utah introduces bill to abolish the Federal Reserve:

5,000 years of debt:

Revealing the "orchestrated insanity" of central banking: 

The U.S. Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins:


Archives on the Federal Reserve:

Does the Federal Reserve really control the supply of money?

Debunking another cornerstone of the Austrian-Keynesian dialectic: do Central Banks really control the Money Supply?

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