Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Obama the student has become Obama the master

Editor's note: Of course, Barack Obama was mentored by Saul Alinsky through Alinsky's tactics outlined in Rules for Radicals, an instructional guide for the communist radical left. That's what they do: whip up mobs by race, by gender, by ethnicity, by religion. There are other aspects as well with Obama and those behind him but at least with Obama we saw what was on the surface like a blackhead (pun intended) pimple on the face of a teenager. The blackhead pimple is squeezed and then it becomes sore and infected filled with puss. Americans need to pop this pimple. That is were America stands. It is an infected puss-filled sore. Consider Obama an "anthropological experiment" (more like a damn freak show using weaponized anthropology). Americans have been removed from the reality of their own destruction.

Radical Barack Obama Comes Out of the Shadows and Announces Joe Biden's Palestinian-Israel Policy – Democrats Are No Longer Hiding Who Is Really Calling the Shots

Calling out the Bolsheviks:

"Where the Hell Are You Guys?! – Fight Fire with Fire! – These Marxists Are Going to Keep Doing This!" – Newsmax Host Carl Higbie GOES OFF on Weak Republicans Afraid to Take on the Marxist Horde (VIDEO)

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