Sunday, June 2, 2024

Face the Nation: Can you do a segment and title it "face the ethics?"

Editor's note: Rather than call this "Face the Nation", it should be called "face the ethics" with North Dakota's ethically challenged $59.9 million Goldman Sachs-owned debt slave governor. Burgum, considered to be one of the contenders to be former President Donald Trump's running mate is apparently a groomed and controlled British Pilgrims Society carboard cutout. Working Americans don't have time to watch news reports on Trump's trial because they are working most of the time as debt slaves in this predator and prey ecosphere of the Pilgrims Society Babylonian Radknight merchant-banker death cult. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Burgum. If Burgum moves into Trump's vice presidential position in the US corporation, America will continue to be "ball and chained to the Pilgrims Society." President Donald Trump: Please read the background on the historically important figure Lillian Scott.

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