Sunday, June 30, 2024

Whether we like it or not we are going to get reset...

Editor's note: start moving to rural areas. Develop your own private networks and learn how to garden and raise samll animals. Get off the grid. Eat and sleep then spend all the time in between learning a new skill. Learn to do without and start producing more than you consume because these globalist syndicates want you dead. If you survived the Covid attack on civilization you should have picked up a few creative ideas on surviving. There is another option: Migrate to Russia. Private equity firms are going to reset cities and universities and that means resettlement. You can either resettle yourself to the rural areas while you still can, or pick a city as those with massive amounts of wealth have big plans for America. Wait until the "normies" can't get their fast food and Starbuck's lattes anymore. This predator and prey ecosphere we are born into wasn't created for you. You're in the way and now we are witnessing the destruction of the food supply chain. Do you want to eat? In order to reset you, a food prescription will now be required.

MUST SEE: Map Shows All Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under Biden

13 Nations Sign Agreement to Engineer Global Famine by Destroying Food Supply

By Hunter Fielding | Global Research | June 18, 2024

The United States has joined 12 other nations in signing a World Economic Forum (WEF) agreement that seeks to engineer global famine by destroying the agriculture industry.

According to the agreement, which was drawn up by the WEF and the United Nations (UN), food production is causing "global warming" and must be eliminated

To "save the planet" from "climate change," globalists insist, farms must be shut down across the world.

The WEF agreement sets targets for how much farmland each nation must eliminate in order to comply.

Under the guise of reducing "methane emissions," thirteen nations have signed the pledge to engineer global famine by gutting agricultural production and shutting down farms.

Announced earlier this year by the WEF's Global Methane Hub — a cabal of crisis engineers who exploit public panic to destroy the world food supply — those thirteen nations are:
• Argentina
• Australia
• Brazil
• Burkina Faso
• Chile
• Czech Republic
• Ecuador
• Germany
• Panama
• Peru
• Spain
• The United States
• Uruguay
Imagine no meat production from Australia, Brazil, and the USA.

Read more: Reducing Nitrogen Output Destroys Farms: Ireland Joins Canada and the Netherlands in Contributing to World Famine

This is the goal of the globalists.

And they admit it's all part of the climate fraud which has been thoroughly exposed as a quack science hoax, by the way.

As Luis Planas, Spain's Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food says:
"I am glad to see the shared commitment by the international community to mitigate methane emissions from agriculture as a means to achieve the goals we signed for in the Paris Agreement on climate."

"Food systems are responsible for 60% of methane emissions," warns Marcelo Mena, CEO of the Global Methane Hub.
She is saying that farming is destroying the planet.

Hence, their demand to shut down farms.

Without farms, you have no food.

And without food, you get exactly what Kamala Harris called for over the weekend: “Reduced population.”

The depopulation agenda is no longer even a secret.

They are bragging about it.

And here’s their logic: FOOD = GLOBAL WARMING.

So they are attacking food and shutting it down.

John Kerry said in a statement:
"Mitigating methane is the fastest way to reduce warming in the short term.

"Food and agriculture can contribute to a low-methane future by improving farmer productivity and resilience.

"We welcome agriculture ministers participating in the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge."
Cows and chickens to be replaced by crickets and insect larvae

Enjoy the crunchy fake meat patties and Cricket McNuggets.

Soon, you'll be eating bugs because meat will be wildly unaffordable – and only available to wealthy elites – due to the governments shutting down farms and ranches.

Please go to Global Research to continue reading.


Globalists revving up plans to engineer global famine and starvation: 13 nations agree to convert over to less-productive 'green' farming methods


University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

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