Thursday, June 6, 2024

Putting this into context - Red state AGs and county sheriffs: the ball is in your court

Editor's note: CNN is "government by media" (see The Brits Invade US Newsrooms With a 'Killer Instinct' and Fleet Street Ethics). That means you also need to search out possibly better and more critical sources for your news to discern what is going on in the world's largest crime scene: Washington DC. In this CNN clip, James Comey suggests "Trump is begging for a jail sentence." The only real issue in this discussion between CNN and Comey is what's the obfuscation here? Comey hammers on the idea of "preventing lies from becoming part of the national dialogue." The entire structure of the US corporation and its federally subcontracted corporations like the FBI and the DoJ base their operations on obfuscation, duplicity and lies. These people are desperate. They have been tasked to do whatever it takes to stop Trump. If they weren't these people like James Comey, Andrew McCabe (Crossfire Hurricane Team) and hundreds of others wouldn't be able to function in transparency. What Comey and McCabe are fearful of are being exposed for their participation in federal crimes and treason. It is alledged McCabe is now "terrified" that intelligence officials will have to prepare to flee the US to avoid jail if Trump is re-elected. Fear permeates Washington DC. It really is a cesspool and smells worse than the foulist sewer, so you really have to laugh at Comey's ridiculous sounding comments in this CNN interview. It has now been revealed both Comey and McCabe have been named on an apparent "deep state target list of 350 traitors."


Ivan Railin's Deep State Target List of 350 Traitors

by @SpartaJustice

THE DEEP STATE TARGET LIST: Former U.S. Army Special Forces has compiled a list of 350 names involved in the illegal spying of the Trump Campaign, the Fraudulent Covid Pandemic, the Russia/Trump Hoax, the 2020 Fraudulent Election, the Hunter Biden Laptop Coverup and the J6 Setup.

To all humanity and to every person that loves truth, justice and freedom, you must ask Elon Musk to release all the Direct Messages and Twitter files pertaining to the named 350 Deep State Conspirators who are destroying America and the world.

This evidence will help expedite the arrests and indictments of all 350 named individuals including anyone else who was involved in these historic atrocious crimes involving treason and sedition.

In this video you will see all 350 names listed in the Deep State Target List that involve politicians, government health officials, the media and individuals at the highest level in the CIA, DOJ, FBI and DOD.

It took 10 years of Intelligence research and first hand eyewitness testimony of these crimes to compile this list.

He was asked this question: I know you are a Green Beret, but are you concerned for your safety? His reply was: "Not at all, they should be concerned for their safety. As long as I am alive they should be concerned for their safety. I am all in, there is nothing that is going to stop me." 


• Barack Obama
• Hillary Clinton
• Bill Clinton
• Mike Pence
• Joseph Biden
• Anthony Fauci
• Kamala Harris
• John Podesta
• Huma Abedin
• Jonathan Winer
• Vice Admiral Jerome Adams
• Debra Birx
• Jared Kushner
• Alex Azar
• Michael Bloomberg
• Rochelle Walensky
• Albert Bourla
• Francis Collins
• Stephane Bancel
• Robert Blair
• Lloyd Austin
• Terry Adirim
• Col Robert Cohen
General Mark Milley
• Samantha Power
• James Clapper
• Kelly Degnan
• John R. Phillips
• John Brennan
• Patrick Conlon
• Jacob Lew
• Mike Neufeld
• Sarah Raskin
• Nathan Sheets
• James Comey
• Jim Clapper
• Mitt Romney
• Paul Ryan
• Stacy Abrams
• Katie Hobbs
• Susan Rice
• Jim Baker
• Christopher Steele
• Lindsey Graham
• Alexander Vindman
• Andrew Weissman
• Adam Schiff
• Jerry Nadler
Nancy Pelosi
• Jamie Raskin
• Harry Dunn
• David Lazarus
• Ray Epps
• Chuck Schumer
• Kevin McCarthy
• Benny Thompson
• Liz Cheney
• Fani Willis
• Nina Jankowicz
• Monica Bertagnollli
• Yoel Roth
• Vejaya Gadde
• Jim Baker
• Del Harvey

All Deep State named individuals must be brought to justice in order to stop future fraudulent Pandemics, forced injections, fraudulent Elections, illegal spying, staged criminal events and to stop World War III.

This is the only way to restore America and save Humanity. We must bring down the Deep State of Corruption.

From the list above:

The Silent Insurrection: General Milley's Hand on January 6

Also inked above:

It's far worse than a banana republic. The ONLY way these people on the list outlined above can prevent legal retribution is if they steal another election in 2024. Does anyone seriously think Christopher Wray at the FBI will try to prevent another election theft?


Hillary Clinton is on the list above.  To divert attention away from themselves these people will go to war against Russia:

McCabe blames Donald Trump for the one who is seeking vengeance. Always blame enemy hierarchies for the same thing you yourself are guilty of:

Nancy Pelosi is on that list above. J6 blunders? Takes responsibility?

Let this be a lesson. El Salvador in three years initiated different phases to roll up crime by demolishing gangs. There is a "gang" in Washington DC. If El Salvador could do it why can't America?

Apropos to these seemingly dire circumstances: 

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