Saturday, June 8, 2024

Smash WHO into a thousand pieces...then follow the flow of money...public domain and private domain

Editor's note: WHO is a fascist corporation. Equity means money. It's all about the flow of money (see link below on the International Health Regulations) in this predator and prey ecosphere. WHO uses the terminology "for the public good." If you do not legally extricate yourself from the public domain through your legal standing in law and operate in the private domain you are prey. If you are in the private domain injections are trespassing on private property in the WHO's declarations of "public health emergencies." Stay out of the public domain. 

Cardiologist Dr. Thomas Binder forced into Swiss psychiatric hospital for publicly warning against covid lockdowns

"Enough Is Enough!" – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO


MEP Anderson: Covid "conspiracy theories" have become reality...what is astonishing is that so many people intuitively knew the world's greatest crime was set to be unleashed on the world in December of 2019:


So many conspiracy theories, just from the last four or five years, that have turned out to be true. We probably have to come up with new conspiracy theories, which then will turn out to be true. We were really able to uncover a lot of lies.

We exposed all of the narratives about this mRNA injection being “safe and effective”, which it wasn’t. Then it was claimed this mRNA injection "saved 20 million lives". It's a blatant lie.

That is a number that then the representative of EMA, she actually had to admit to it. That number pertains to all vaccines ever in history. But we were just talking about the mRNA injection.

So it’s a blatant lie when you say it saved 20 million lives. On the contrary, the mRNA injections, they may have very well killed 17 million people around the world. So there is nothing “safe and effective” about it.

They never even tested that stuff. 



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