Friday, June 7, 2024

Rabbi Admits That White Replacement and Genocide Is the Goal

Editor's note: The biggest reason why is because "whites" (European ethnicities) cannot accept Babylonian Talmudism. There are a lot of decent Jews admittedly, but because of the deeply embedded religious trauma bonding and cult mentality Judaism causes, very few if any Jews will rat out their fellow Jews. On a far deeper level who do Jews work for? Seriously, have they contracted with some type of alien presence on Earth (not the extraterrestrial space alien bullshit) centuries ago to be acting like this? What has weaponized Judaism's cult to be so malevolent towards humanity? Was this part of the contractual agreement? The bible teaches good behavior in some respects. Other than that it is codified lunacy by the rabbinate. The Russians have had to deal with this destructive malevolency and now it is America's turn. Is that all these rabbis do? Sit around talking about this malevolency?

If you think America's southern border is being invaded wait until Mexico's newly "elected" president Claudia Sheinbaum gets her administration up and running. It will put white replacement on steroids. Judaism just conquered Mexico. Israel secret intelligence service just took over Mexico...

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