Monday, June 3, 2024

Think about this: In the biotechnology industry worth $3,995.22 billion by 2032 everyone gets injected

Editor's note: Using the description "anti-vaxxers" is Bolshevik sloganeering. It's the similar tripe like being "anti-goverment." There is no such thing as "anti-vaxxers". There are now more people making better and informed decisions but there are no "anti-vaxxers." The global elite who's public faces you see have billions of dollars behind them through the pharmaceutical-military-industrial central banking complex and they are not going to stop until every human being on this planet have been injected multiple times. In Canada, we can see the Nazi government there are planning to initiate Pandemic 2.0. And as far as the WHO's pandemic treaty is concerned, it might be "dead" for now but it will absolutely be attempted again because this global elite will not stop. They have an agenda they absolutely must carry out. Remember the US marine who stated from the outset of this Covid militray attack on civilization that if anyone attempted to give him a Covid injection "he would f*cking kill them?" That is the attitude you must have. The WHO must be smashed and this little troglodyte Ghebreyesus (his cut is $260,000 a year) needs to go find something productive to do in life.

"We have to Deal with the Anti-Vaxxers" says Keir Starmer. Next UK PM? With the Endorsement of the WEF

Vaccines (biologics) have been a fake-regulated category of poisons, falsely presented as regulated pharmaceuticals to the consumers:

Are the regulators regulating genetic vaccines?

The global elite coming though the EU constantly threaten the public:

EU head calls for new brain-bending "vaccines" to "shield" people’s minds, protect "democracy"

Programming the public for a coming falsified pandemic:

If you haven't figured it out by now follow the money:

Try comprehending the global biotechnology industry is worth $1,224.31 billion in 2023 and is likely to be an estimated $3,995.22 billion by 2032. This is a growth of 12.5% CAGR between 2023 and 2032. Global capital is flowing into this like water over Niagara Falls:

This isn't capitalism. It is a predator and prey ecosphere: Create the pandemic to create the market then have the injections ready:

Pharmaceutical Market Report 2024 (Global Edition)

Get to the point. We fucked up. Prominent pro-vaccine doctor blows the whistle: "Biggest crime in the history of medicine":

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