Sunday, June 16, 2024

Psychopathic technocrats are your worst enemy

Editor's note: If you are a young American male thinking of volunteering for the US Army don't do it. There are far better pursuits in life than volunteering for the US Army as a birth certified British territorial subject. American men are not motivated to participate in a society that not only hates them but also doesn't have a long term future. The US Military, and particularly, the US Army, have been in charge of everything ever since March of 1863. That's when Lincoln turned everything over to the US Army and adopted the Lieber Code now running the US corporation as a military protectorate. It is too late to restore any honor, integrity or order within the US military. The Russian economy is running at full industrial military production and has a military presently at one million men many who are highly skilled experiencing some of the most vicious combat imaginable and who have been proficiently trained. They will be the vanguard to protect Russia in the future "against all enemies foreign and domestic." There are no Russian females in combat roles within the Russian military, whereas in the US military the fighting will have to be turned over to females in a woke military. 


The ECO-PSYCHO Redesign of America

By Vicky Davis | June 16, 2024

The Holy Grail of the psychotic environmental, economic and social central planning in the United States has been found. The reports were produced as a function of the 1993 President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) but presumably because the composition of the task force members were interagency, they included the military and their mission was communist central planning at the societal level. The reports they produced were not included in work-product documentation of the PCSD. 

Bill Clinton was a flawed and easily blackmail-able president, but Al Gore was the squeaky clean technocratic-environmentalist-psychopath who drove the agenda from the second chair. 

Healthy Ecosystems and Sustainable Economies 

Volume I – Summary and Overview

Volume II – Implementation Issues

Volume III – Case Studies
Anacostia River Watershed

Coastal Louisiana

Great Lakes Basin

Pacific Northwest Forests

Prince William Sound

South Florida

Southern Appalachians
Where were these reports found? They were found at the Department of Defense, Environment, Safety & Occupational Health Network Information Exchange (DENIX). 

Department of Defense . . . Isn't that just perfect in this dystopian, technocratic world in which we are living? The Department of Defense became the Department of Offense. Technology is dual use. It can be a helpful tool or it can be a weapon. They weaponized government. The technology and the societal level systems that were developed turned the U.S. into an open air prison camp. Violation of Posse Comitatus is the least of it.

This revelation connects all or nearly all of the topic areas I've researched. I've known about the military involvement for a long time because of the Interstate System but I really didn’t want to believe it. Our protectors became our enemies – on our own soil. 

This is the work of the psychopathic technocrat Al Gore:

Leave, get out, take a long vacation outside of the US. Find employment in another country or go study abroad. If you are a birth certified registered corporate citizen as a British territorial subject you will be drafted then sent to kill people for the US corporation:

WWIII: House Passes Bill for Mandatory Military Registration

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