Saturday, June 8, 2024

No more free lunch in Africa for France

Editor's note: The French poodle continues to yap at the heels of Russia. The French under Macron (the cosmopolitan Judeo-banksters are the problem in France: slave-trafficking dynasties from the age of exploration and exploitation) are angry because Russia has collapsed the Francophone colonial outposts in resource rich Africa where Russia and China are building infrastructure including Russian and China-backed rail lines, agriculture and roads. The Wagner Group have also trained soldiers in respective African countries on how to prevent western-backed coups and to fight against western-backed terrorist groups. What a stupid question: Why are Wagner mercenaries still in Africa? Well duh? The French will no longer get their free lunch from Africa. They will now be forced to negotiate, trade and pay on equitable terms for Africa's resources. 

Emmanuel Macron: Come and retrieve your captured French soldier in Ukraine


More French are captured picked up by Russian FSB:

'Don't shoot': Russian forces capture two Frenchmen in Kharkiv and Moscow - Legion soldier and DGSE spy (vid)

The French Typhoon jets Macron stated would be provided to the fascist regime in Kiev flying over Ukraine won't last longer then 3 minutes:

Who would be that stupid to risk flying a French jet capable of carrying tactical nukes, even if they do exist, over Ukrainian airspace completely dominated by Russian ISR? These people are confirmed lunatics as French pride and arrogance is exposed for the world to see.

Alright France, your country wants to war against Russia? You are more than welcome to join the foray into violence:

At least the Africans appreciate the Russians because the French certainly  don't: 

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