Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Emmanuel Macron: Come and retrieve your captured French soldier in Ukraine

Editor's note: European countries especially France with Macron as their "leader" are demonstrably insane if they think they can go to war against Russia. This French soldier was not "instructing" Ukrainian soldiers, he was engaged in active combat against Russian troops and was captured. The Russians have warned European countries that if western troops are located in Ukraine they will be targeted for destruction. Ukraine is falling apart politically and can no longer be held together. There are now too many Ukrainians who have had enough and they are now providing active intelligence to the Russians through numerous networks. The Russians know where the foreign soldiers are, how many, munition storage areas, vehicle locations, troop movements and tactics. The Ukrainians have been forced to hide in holes, use drones to harass Russian soldiers and are not showing their heads above ground. Russia is doing everything it can to conserve troops and that means nothing will remain alive in their artillery and bombardment target zones before soldiers move into the trenches.

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