Thursday, June 13, 2024

Today's expletives: F#cked up science and motherf#ckers

Editor's note: As long as we are starting to read more expletives in the alternative media to describe what is going on with the injection-industrial complex let it be stated science is not only delusional it is so fucked up it is destroying our existence.

"Synthetic Biology" - The Science Delusion

These shameless motherfuckers who are vaccinating little kids with the COVID "vaccine"

What they know and the public doesn't

June 13, 2024 | By Jon Rappoport

OK. Listen up. At the beginning of this debacle, when Trump gave the green light to Warp Speed, every nanotech scientist and every geneticist in the world KNEW certain things.

Certain things about any nanotech product designed to give genetic instructions to cells of the body. 

And the RNA COVID shots ARE made out of nanoparticles containing genetic instructions. 

These thousands and thousands of scientists knew there were inherent dangers. Specific ones. Long-standing ones.

Nothing exotic. Mainstream.

Because the scientists had been dealing with these dangers in their daily research. They knew the dangers were there. Grave problems. Problems that could disrupt the functioning of the human body. Could injure the body. Could end life.

These thousands of scientists DIDN'T step forward right at the beginning and say WAIT. STOP. They said NOTHING. They hid their objections. They kept their mouths shut. They made a deal with themselves. Protect their jobs, let devastation loose on the population. Even little children and babies.

Here are nine dangers the scientists were QUITE familiar with:

ONE: mRNA genetic material can be degraded by specific enzymes in the body before it reaches the cells it's supposed to reach. Therefore, when the genetic material is inserted into cells, it's incomplete. CHANGED. DIFFERENT. That’s genetic roulette. That's playing with fire.

TWO: Incomplete "trapping" of genetic material inside the nanoparticles can occur. The material is then CHANGED. Long before it's injected and inserted into cells. More genetic roulette. No way to know what genetic information and instruction actually enter the cells. Extreme danger. 

Apparently, Fauci's NIH thought it was worth it as he takes the heat. Ivan Raiklin nails it, asks Fauci the burning question – WATCH
Does anyone trust these people in the pharmaceutical industry?

Dr. Christopher Exley: Merck must be brought to justice for peddling harmful HPV vaccines

This isn't going to stop with the injection-industrial complex:

India's Rotavirus Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Bowel Condition in Infants — Are U.S. Vaccines Any Safer?

The experimental 1984 state of Australia gearing up to inject their peasant slaves big time:

Australia's culling of 500,000 chickens is for a manufactured bird flu crisis

BIRD FLU PLANDEMIC 2024: The Secret Agenda

The injection military-pharmaceutical-industrial complex really are at war on us:

World Leader Confesses: 'Unvaxxed Were Right, We Tried Poisoning BILLIONS of You'

And finally, if you don't take your mandated vaccines these fuckers can turn off your money:

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