Monday, June 24, 2024

The next thing you know is Germany will deploy another Gestapo

Editor's note: Because of agreements within the EU that Hungary is part of, the EU under Von der Leyen fined Hungary a base fine of €200 million and €2 million a day for not taking in migrants. Hungary's Orban alluded to the fact that Hungary is not being punished because it is not taking in migrants, but because Orban is against the commercial proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. The description "Nazi" is a much abused term but if we are to apply how it is commonly used then the EU's Ursula von der Leyen certainly qualifies for the description considering Russia's SMO in Ukraine is to "de-Nazify" this criminal fascist state. Victor Orban also fears western influence over elections in Hungary. Hungary vetoed the EU's decision to go after Russian assets to be used to secure a $50 billion "loan" to Ukraine. Hungary's Victor Orban also named the German politician Manfred Weber who is largely responsible for the population replacement in Europe. Victor Orban called Von Der Leyen "a little servant girl of Manfred Weber." Weber's actions indicate he is protecting Ukraine.


Source: RT

Von der Leyen must go – EU state leader

The European Commission president has overseen the worst five years in the bloc's history, according to Hungary's prime minister
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban. © Pier Marco Tacca/Getty Images 

June, 24, 2024

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has called for Ursula von der Leyen to be replaced as president of the European Commission, describing the five years of her tenure as the "worst" in the history of the EU.

He told reporters from the German media group Funke on Sunday that the EU's green transition had gone against the economic and industrial interests of the bloc, while its migration package had also proven entirely unsuccessful.

"The past five years have been perhaps the worst five years in the history of the EU. The successes of the European Commission and the Brussels elite are weak," Orban said. The EU needs efficient leadership and there are "plenty" of talented politicians "capable of doing this job," the Hungarian prime minister said. He claimed that the results of the recent European Parliament elections had also shown that people want change in Brussels.

READ MORE: Brussels ignoring will of voters – Orban

Voters shifted significantly to the right in the elections earlier this month, with ruling coalitions in Germany and France being comprehensively trounced by right-wing parties. "But as it looks now, the same ruling coalition will remain in power. I'm not happy about the way things are going," Orban said. "We have a structural problem." Centrist parties retained a majority in the European Parliament, with von der Leyen's European People's Party (EPP) winning 190 seats.

She is seeking a second term as European Commission president, declaring that her goal is to "build a broad majority for a strong Europe," and to keep Brussels on a "pro-Ukraine path."

Members of the European Parliament will have their say in confirming the next Commission president in a vote scheduled for 18 July. Von der Leyen will have to win a majority of MEPs' votes.

Orban also said that if Europeans want to "keep pace with the Americans," they will have to "rise up again." He lauded former US President Donald Trump, saying he has “101% confidence” in him, and described him a "man of peace" because he "didn't start a single war."

Orban has long been a vocal critic of the West's approach to the Ukraine conflict, particularly its arms shipments to Kiev. 

What is the benefit to the US for the commercial proxy war against Russia in Ukraine with an estimated 600,000 dead, shredded and missing (no one really knows the exact number) Ukrainian soldiers?

There is no telling who is behind launching these terrorists into Russia to cause mayhem. They could be just common thugs and criminals, or they could have backing and direction from western intelligence sources like the CIA, MI6 and Mossad to create chaos in Russia. This type of constant confrontation between these terrorists and Russian security forces has been going on for years in Dagestan: 

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