Sunday, June 23, 2024

Psychopaths always revert to terrorism

Editor's note: This is what psychopaths do and then they laugh at you. These are cluster munitions delivered by US weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin's ATACMS missiles. The GPS targeting information was provided to the psychopathic terrorists in Ukraine by a US Air Force RQ4B Global Hawk high-altitude reconnaissance drone (see flight path) passing coordinates through a US satellite. To the US Air Force Global Hawk drone operator: 120 were injured and 4 were killed on that beach. By targeting and killing civilians the psychopaths who thrive off this predator and prey ecosphere are desperately trying to pull Russia into an all out war. And the US senate and congressional members continue to sit on their asses in congressional hearings and do nothing as long as Lockheed Martin stocks are high. This while Russia prepares for full out war with the prove idiots at NATO and the Nazis in Brussels (axis of Nazi evil: UK-US-NATO) who have never fought a war with Russia.

American ATACMS Missile With Cluster Warhead Exploded Over Crowded Beach In Sevastopol (Video)

PSYOP-WW3 Rising: The US Air Force Directed ATACMS Missile Strike On Russian Civilians Today

By 2nd Smartest Guy in the World | June 23, 2024

As this Substack has been warning of late…
PSYOP-WW3 RISING: America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 year olds

The following is a stark warning from a former Democrat Congressman about the upcoming democide escalation by the wholly captured and illegitimate Federal government that is waging a full spectrum soft war against We the People, and is setting up to escalate its illegal wars adventurism around the globe; all of these Uniparty death ploys are deliberately designed to reduce the populations, maintain draconian societal control, and distract from their various genocidal crimes against humanity, from the slow kill bioweapon "vaccines," to the profligate and out of control debts (i.e. black ops money laundering and evisceration of generational wealth) to the ruinous banskter central planning, color of law theft via taxation, fraudulent regulations, mandates, etc. & etc. & etc.
…the illegitimate "Biden" administration has been ordered to ramp up the global thermonuclear saber rattling con: 

This is yet another wholly illegal act of war precisely because the captured and corrupt Congress never voted for this latest military action a la Obama's nonstop criminal drone strikes on civilian innocents and "enemies" alike.

Because maybe, just maybe, PSYOP-DISEASE-X will not induce sufficient mass fear psychosis this next time around, and the election may just be too difficult to steal twice in a row; in which case the Uniparty working on behalf of the Intelligence Industrial Complex (the 4th and only branch of government that actually controls America) will destroy the nation and the rest of the planet rather than ever ceding even a scintilla of their control.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

And the US-based Nazis are assisting these psychopaths...
"The date for such a strike was not chosen by chance — it was Trinity Sunday. And we perfectly understand what lies at the core of the Kiev regime's essence — a deep-seated hatred for everything related to Russia, and Russian culture. And, of course, Orthodoxy and Christianity as a whole. These literally ritualistic — and I believe that's what they can be called — crimes they commit, coincide with major holidays." ~ Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakarova

And US-UK sanctions against Russia? About as useful as tits on an ugly witch as Russia becomes the 4th, maybe even the 3rd largest economy in the world overtaking Japan:

The Helium Balloon Goes Up – Russia's Helium Industry Goes To War Against NATO

The US-UK-NATO axis of predatory central banking are already at war with Russia, these psychos will need a catalyst to kick the killing and destruction into high gear:

This should be fun...and they are both laughing because they both know NATO is moving into Asia...the US vassal state of Japan presently dying on a grape vine are going to piss their pants when Russian hypersonic missiles decorate North Korea's coastlines...don't do it Japan.

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