Monday, June 17, 2024

The British are becoming agitated

Editor's note: The pirate City of London-based Phoenicians doing what they have been doing for over 200 years: continuance of their commercial war against Russia. Cameron just stated: "We must go after everything Russian." Call it whatever you want to including "sanctions" but it is theft. This is an all out commercial economic war over resources being directed by a "global liberal banking-finance model" (an imperial class of looters) controlled by a parasitic class represented by Cameron in this predator and prey ecosphere. This class of parasites will destroy the US in order to save their petrodollar (controlled by the British) global system and if it takes destroying and destabilizing Russia they will do it along with killing as many people as they can. 

The Ever Widening War

Here's another Brit who should probably be retired who got booed by a German crowd for supporting Ukraine and more war. The Germans know their leaders are cowards allowing the US to blow up their supply of cheap Russian gas thus destroying their economy. There is a level of stupidity in Germany that is incomprehensible.

Rod Stewart is in over his head. If NATO largely controlled by the British move their troops into Ukraine they are going to get annihilated. This is not war porn, an exaggeration or sensationalism.

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