Monday, June 17, 2024

NATO to find out the integrity of 5 million North Korean supplied artillery rounds

Editor's note: This is the first time in 24 years Russia's Vladamir Putin will be visiting North Korea. Putin is likely going to North Korea to secure trade contracts, economic expansion and to thank North Korea's Kim Jong Un for supplying an alledged 5 million rounds of artillery shells. If NATO troops want to find out whether North Korean manufactured artillery rounds are substandard or not here is their chance. That is 10 artillery rounds for every NATO soldier sent to Ukraine to kill Russians. It appears now the Russians have "taken their foot off the brakes."

North Korea Reportedly Sending Shipments Of 5 Million Artillery Shells To Russia

The US is the only country that can decide what country's leaders can meet and what kind of agreements they can agree on especially when their borders are adjoining like between North Korea and Russia.

Imagine mercenaries from Colombia being recruited from the other side of the world going to Ukraine to kill Russians? Good riddance you morons: 

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