Sunday, June 9, 2024

Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern

Editor's note: There was an assassination attempt on Slovakian PM Robert Fico on 15 May 2024 for his views on Ukraine in support of Russia. The Danish PM Mette Frederiksen suffered whiplash after an assault on her in Copenhagen with authorities claiming it wasn't "politically motivated." It would be worth looking into Mette Frederiksen's views on Ukraine. Then there is the former German AfD member Olga Peterson who fled to Russia claiming authorities were planning to seize her children over her support for Russia's Vladamir Putin. Expressions of support for Russia's military operation in Ukraine are illegal in Hamburg. This indicates the US has total direction and control over the German state just like the US has total control and direction over the state of Japan. The transnational oligarchy running the proxy war against Russia want Russia's resources. That is the bottom line. There is absolutely no way this transnational oligarchy will ever allow German industry to be combined with Russia's resources. The world will be taken to all out war before this is ever allowed to happen. This was always about splitting Russia up then the "rape of Russia." Any European politician who interferes in this ongoing treachery will be removed. Even more of a threat is the spirit of Russia. And if you stand in opposition to the WEF's plans you're going to get yourself killed because Schwab's WEF outfit has severed all ties ("freezes all relations") with Russia.

Source: RT

German politician flees to Russia

Former AfD member Olga Petersen has claimed that the authorities in Hamburg were planning to seize her children
Olga Petersen © X / @OlgaPetersenAfD 

June 9, 2024

Hamburg MP Olga Petersen has sought refuge in Russia, telling Bild that she feared having her children taken by the German state over her perceived support for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Petersen left Hamburg with her children last month, prompting widespread speculation about her whereabouts. Several weeks before her disappearance, her party – the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) – expelled her from its Hamburg faction for traveling to Russia as an election observer in March and declaring the vote "open, democratic, and free."

Alexander Brod, a member of the Russian Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, told TASS last week that Petersen had settled in Russia with three of her four kids.

Petersen broke her silence on Friday. "I have indeed taken my children out of the country," she told Bild. "I want to know that my children are safe and that they remain in my care. Without my children, I would no longer see any meaning in life."

Read more: German party disciplines regional MP over visit to Moscow

According to Brod's account, social workers had begun proceedings to take the three children – all of whom are in elementary school – into state care. Petersen offered no further details on the alleged efforts to take her children, and Bild questioned these claims, stating that the kids had been reported to youth welfare workers over behavioral problems.

Expressions of support for Russia's military operation in Ukraine are illegal in Hamburg, with a court in the city sentencing a man to three years in prison last May for sharing "pro-Russian ideas" and using the 'Z' symbol – painted on some Russian military vehicles operating in the conflict – on his Telegram channel.

While there were no criminal proceedings being taken against Petersen, any kind of prison term would have resulted in her losing custody of her children. German courts can also strip a parent of their custody rights if they are deemed abusive, violent, or negligent.

Please go to RT to continue reading. 

Events are going to get very nasty in Germany as the AfD is targeted by German authorities as Europe goes far right:

Violence Spirals Out of Control in Germany — Right-Wing AfD Politician Stabbed Just Days After Deadly Mannheim Islamist Attack

The German state being given direction by the US corporation begin ramping up the fear in Germans against Russia aided by the British. Russia has zero plans to attack or invade Europe, Germany or any other NATO country. It is a western fabrication.

Europe economically destroys itself:

SPIEF 2024: Rosneft chief reveals cost EU paid for rejecting Russian gas

Russia has no qualms about killing anyone who threatens them:

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