Editor's note: Alright then, if the US subject citizens registered as corporate property when they were birth certified are "
waking up and no longer buy the lies", then why would they vote for US corporate executives who betray them? "Elected representatives" work for the US corporation as executives and its federally subcontracted corporations and
not the American people? That makes no sense whatsoever. What does it mean to be "woken up and no longer accepting of lies?" Aren't lies a good thing then? It means you are being put to the test:
figure out the lies. When you get this all figured out and that you are "unrepresented property", there can only be one option: Return your political status back to the land then
create state assemblies. Then you create your own new existence where all of us are equal (prey) and not tied to this predator and prey ecosphere of the destructive corporate (predator) state. Voting isn't going to change a damn thing. If you are an "unrepresented majority" then represent yourself. Vote for yourself so that these
corporate executives voted for become extinct. Walk away from this corporate feudalistic techno fascist gulag. All the political circumstances discussed in the following article are all operating under the US corporation. It's the predator and prey ecosystem: power, money and greed.
The American People Are an Unrepresented Majority
By Paul Craig Roberts | May 21, 2024
During my life what I have observed is that Republicans define patriotism largely in terms of opposition to foreign enemies. This was most pronounced during the long Cold War with the Soviet Union. It is certainly true that we need to be on our guard against foreign enemies, but we must not be so much on guard that we create enemies where they don't exist or refuse to defuse tensions and replace hostile relationships with cooperative ones as President John F. Kennedy said he intended to do before he was assassinated and as President Trump intended to do before he was prevented by Russiagate allegations.