Thursday, June 20, 2024

Munitions storage depot in Chad belonging to the French military explodes

Editor's note: France's Macron who must think he's the local boss (or warlord) of Europe is anxious to go to war with Russia but his plans are being foiled by the Russians. It was likely Russian saboteurs, maybe even Wagner people (or saboteurs trained by Wagner people) detonated a large ammunition dump in Chad owned by France. The munitions were allegedly going to be sent to Ukraine. Macron represents the transnational finance-banking predator and prey ecosphere the central banks have created over the course of the past 300 years. France doesn't look too favorably on the Russians interloping on their free African resources for the past 120 years.

Will Macron Start War to Retain Power?

A huge ammunition depot of the French Army was blown up in Chad: "What a shame! You will not be able to send them to Ukraine" say the Russians

Dozens dead and injured

By Evangelos L. | June 19, 2024

Russian sabotage operations against NATO and pro-Western countries around the world? Probably yes.

At least nine people were killed and 46 injured in the chain explosions that took place on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday in ammunition depots in the capital of Chad, as announced by the Minister of Health of the African country, Abdelmadjid Abdelrahim. 

Japan goes dark

Editor's note:  Do the perpetrators also include the political and corporate elite who run Japan who foisted these Covid bioweapons on the Japanese population through WHO who have the highest Covid injection rate in the world per population at 80 percent? More negative news comes from Japan with the announcement yesterday that Japan's fifth largest bank Norinchukin Bank (Norinchukin is the country's fifth largest bank with $840 billion in assets) will sell more than 10 trillion yen ($63 billion) of its holdings of US and European government bonds during the year ending March 2025 as it aims to stem its losses from bets on low-yield foreign bonds. It is being described as the "music has stopped" (or Japan has plans to tag along with BRICS). Unfortunately, so goes US banks so goes Japan's banks. Now toss in excess deaths form Covid injections, a rapidly aging population and Japan's banking and financial woes and Japan goes dark.

Japan's Norinchukin Bank to sell $63bn of U.S. and European bonds

Japan: 'Billions of Dying Vaxxed Have Dementia – Perpetrators Must Be Punished'

June 20, 2024 | By Baxter Dmitry

Huge numbers of Japanese are taking to the streets to protest crimes against humanity perpetrated by the World Health Organization and WEF during the pandemic as Japanese scientists continue leading the world in exposing the disastrous health consequences of the vaccine. 

Noahide Laws: H.J.Res.104 - To designate March 26, 1991, as "Education Day, U.S.A."

Editor's note: The Nohide Laws are fundamentally Talmudic from the Jewish persuasion through the Lubavitcher movement headed by Rabbi Schneerson until his death. The Chabad Lubavitchers persuaded the administration of President George Bush Sr. to pass H.J. Res. 104 in 1991. The "Education Day U.S.A." Joint Resolution went through the US Congress to reintroduce the seven Noahide laws. These Noahide laws are alleged to take precedence over all other laws in the US going back to the very old Talmudic vengeful-like God who will punish his children if they behave in certain ways. If you look at the symbol or the flag of the Talmudic Noahide Laws it is the symbol of a rainbow. The rainbow colors are the same symbols used by the LGBTQ+ subculture ("created persons"). We are being set up for a coup and are going to be taken down. This is one of the reasons why Russia's Vladimir Putin refused to return Schneerson's Talmudic archives back to New York. Russia is a Christian nation and Putin "feared it would open a Pandora's Box." That Pandora's Box has everything to do with the legal fiction of being a "person." In a Christian nation like Russia that legal concept does not have any paramount importance on the individual.

H.J.Res.104 - To designate March 26, 1991, as "Education Day, U.S.A."

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ukraine is a world center for child trafficking, money laundering, drug trafficking and crime

Editor's note: Back in March, 2024 Vladimir Putin stated to western leaders, "Your vampire ball is over." Meaning the west's exploitation of other nations by the so-called "golden billion" is coming to an end. Reports appeared two years ago discussing how "elite pedophiles were flocking to Ukraine" to pick up a child sex slave for $150,000. People continue to deny this is going on but it has been well documented by many sources. Whatever Putin meant by "vampire ball" is anyone's guess but the evidence suggests this is vampiric and it is ongoing.

Boeing ---------------> NYSE (BA): $174.99 (Closed: June 18, 19:58 EDT)

Editor's note: Call it whatever you want, investigate all you want, whistle blow all you want and have as many congressional hearings on Boeing going full vulture capitalism nothing is going to change the fact that this is about the destruction of industry (deindustrialization) in America. One of the systemic problems at Boeing was the continuance of trying to finance their pension funds that were not sustainable. No country or corporation can survive this type of systemic corruption in an atmosphere of unfettered greed, high taxation and incompetence. 

The criminal psychopaths are at it again

Editor's note: Another government by media operation this time with bird flu jumping to humans with copious amounts of fear porn. How about that amazing feat? A virus from a bird can jump to humans. Here it comes again: Scaring the shit out of people and simultaneously destroying the food supply while the real science surrounding viruses remains obscure. Once this H5N1 magical virus hits the streets driven by the media how many millions will line up for their injections? And remember that Covid cured influenza. It is time to get a handle on how Gates' outfit funded bio-terrorist activities to develope a bird flu that could infect humans.


How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the "Mass Testing" Phase

June 18, 2024 | By Kit Knightly

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of Bird Flu Digest, formerly known as OffGuardian. 

The wall-to-wall coverage of Bird Flu is getting wallier-to-wallier with each passing week, to the point it's almost hard to keep up with the waves of hot takes and chilling insights. But if you're going to try, the best place to do it is right here, where I spend a good portion of my time reading very similar articles in very similar papers all about the danger of a pandemic they're about to pretend is happening. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

NATO chief Stoltenberg scapegoating China

Editor's note: NATO's head Stoltenberg needs to come clean on where he is obtaining his intelligence on China assisting Russia's "war of aggression" against Ukraine. The Global Times is reporting that NATO chief Stoltenberg is blaming China assisting Russia to "vent frustration over an unproductive Ukraine peace conference" (a "piss" conference in Switzerland). What is really going on here is NATO supporting Ukraine in this commercial proxy war against Russia. CNN reported last year that China was not supporting Russia with "extensive assistance" with any "systemic material support." Stoltenberg needs to be clear when he incorrectly states "China is propping up Russia's war effort." In what way? Buying energy like any other country from Russia? If anyone wants to get an idea of just how far off the brain scale Stoltenberg really is try reading The Issue of Scale

Why China Will Not Support a Russian Invasion of Ukraine

What kind of a construct are we living in?

Editor's note: A funny thing happened on the way to transhumanism: destroying genders in the ongoing destruction of females. It appears if they are not lesbians they are transgenders. 

Female Basketball Sensation, Caitlin Clark, is a Man

Is the WNBA a lesbian league?

By Jon Rappoport | June 18, 2024

If you read what Candice Wiggins had to say when she retired prematurely, in 2015, you'd think so:
"I wanted to play two more seasons of WNBA, but the experience didn’t lend itself to my mental state. It was a depressing state in the WNBA. It's not watched. Our value is diminished. It can be quite hard. I didn't like the culture inside the WNBA, and without revealing too much, it was toxic for me… My spirit was being broken… Me being heterosexual and straight, and being vocal in my identity as a straight woman was huge. I would say 98 per cent of the women in the WNBA are gay women. It was a conformist type of place. There was a whole different set of rules they could apply. There was a lot of jealousy and competition, and we're all fighting for crumbs. The way I looked, the way I played – those things contributed to the tension. People were deliberately trying to hurt me all of the time. I had never been called the B-word so many times in my life than I was in my rookie season. I'd never been thrown to the ground so much. The message was: 'We want you to know we don't like you'."

The West's only options: Theft and war

Editor's note: That's it then. This is the end of the EU. NATO (Brussels) working for the European transnational finance-banking predator class through their central banks have no other option except war. Where is America in this colossal mess going on in the west? America has been neutered by cultural Marxism. America has deteriorated to the point now represented by Biden who has to be led around at the G7 Summit and US Secret Service agents are being robbed at gunpoint. Russia's Vladamir Putin made a final plea for peace and if NATO (US Neocons) want war then war it will get as Russia has decided any resolution of their SMO will be by military means.

EU now at a crossroads: Reform or self-destruction

Hegemon orders Europe: bet on war and steal Russia's money

By Pepe Escobar | June 18, 2024

The Swiss "peace" kabuki came and went – and the winner was Vladimir Putin. He didn't even have to show up.

None of the Big Players did. Or in case they sent their emissaries, there was significant refusal to sign the vacuous final declaration – as in BRICS members Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, UAE and South Africa. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

NATO to find out the integrity of 5 million North Korean supplied artillery rounds

Editor's note: This is the first time in 24 years Russia's Vladamir Putin will be visiting North Korea. Putin is likely going to North Korea to secure trade contracts, economic expansion and to thank North Korea's Kim Jong Un for supplying an alledged 5 million rounds of artillery shells. If NATO troops want to find out whether North Korean manufactured artillery rounds are substandard or not here is their chance. That is 10 artillery rounds for every NATO soldier sent to Ukraine to kill Russians. It appears now the Russians have "taken their foot off the brakes."

North Korea Reportedly Sending Shipments Of 5 Million Artillery Shells To Russia

The British are becoming agitated

Editor's note: The pirate City of London-based Phoenicians doing what they have been doing for over 200 years: continuance of their commercial war against Russia. Cameron just stated: "We must go after everything Russian." Call it whatever you want to including "sanctions" but it is theft. This is an all out commercial economic war over resources being directed by a "global liberal banking-finance model" (an imperial class of looters) controlled by a parasitic class represented by Cameron in this predator and prey ecosphere. This class of parasites will destroy the US in order to save their petrodollar (controlled by the British) global system and if it takes destroying and destabilizing Russia they will do it along with killing as many people as they can. 

The Ever Widening War

As sharp as a donut

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Concierge for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

Hey, listen up. Biden is as sharp as ever!

Why was BlackRock's Larry Fink speaking at the G7 Summit?

Editor's note: Unprecedented: Private equity with assets under management at $10 trillion takes over the direction of governments.

The Decline of the West. The G7 "War Summit". Manlio Dinucci

Sunday, June 16, 2024

It Is Time To Repopulate the Federal Republic

Editor's note: Nobody not even Poe could have seen the republican ideals of the original intent of the American republic get smashed the way they were by the imperial British corporate fascist takeover of America starting under Lincoln in 1863 that was consummated in 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Republic must be an American Federal Republic, not a British Territorial Substitute.

"We know that the British bear us little but ill will… In letters as in Government, we require a Declaration of Independence— a better thing still would be a Declaration of War". - Edgar Poe 

The Purloined Life Of Edgar Allan Poe

by Jeffrey Steinberg

This account is based on a lecture delivered in Detroit, Michigan in mid-September 2003, to a group of LaRouche Youth Movement members who have launched a research project to revive the life and works of Edgar Allan Poe.

A great deal of what people think they know about Edgar Allan Poe, is wrong. Furthermore, there is not that much known about him—other than that people have read at least one of his short stories, or poems; and it's common even today, that in English literature classes in high school—maybe upper levels of elementary school—you're told about Poe. And if you ever got to the point of being told something about Poe as an actual personality, you have probably heard some summary distillation of the slanders about him: He died as a drunk; he was crazy; he was one of these people who demonstrate that genius and creativity always have a dark side, and the dark side is that most really creative geniuses are insane, and usually something bad comes of them, because the very thing that gives them the talent to be creative is what ultimately destroys them. 

Psychopathic technocrats are your worst enemy

Editor's note: If you are a young American male thinking of volunteering for the US Army don't do it. There are far better pursuits in life than volunteering for the US Army as a birth certified British territorial subject. American men are not motivated to participate in a society that not only hates them but also doesn't have a long term future. The US Military, and particularly, the US Army, have been in charge of everything ever since March of 1863. That's when Lincoln turned everything over to the US Army and adopted the Lieber Code now running the US corporation as a military protectorate. It is too late to restore any honor, integrity or order within the US military. The Russian economy is running at full industrial military production and has a military presently at one million men many who are highly skilled experiencing some of the most vicious combat imaginable and who have been proficiently trained. They will be the vanguard to protect Russia in the future "against all enemies foreign and domestic." There are no Russian females in combat roles within the Russian military, whereas in the US military the fighting will have to be turned over to females in a woke military. 


The ECO-PSYCHO Redesign of America

By Vicky Davis | June 16, 2024

The Holy Grail of the psychotic environmental, economic and social central planning in the United States has been found. The reports were produced as a function of the 1993 President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) but presumably because the composition of the task force members were interagency, they included the military and their mission was communist central planning at the societal level. The reports they produced were not included in work-product documentation of the PCSD. 

ISIS are like an insect infestation

Editor's note: When ISIS terrorists were arrested and placed in a Russian prison attempted taking hostages the Russians didn't bother to negotiate with the terrorists. A rescue team went into the prison and simply shot the terrorists dead. Russian intelligence knows full well ISIS was always a western-backed entity used to lay waste to the Middle East especially in Syria where Russia continues to kill them like bugs in an infestation.

Trump: Biden Is "Providing Material Support For Terrorism"

Leaving California and not looking back

Editor's note: This blog's favorite state to pick on: California. The corporate communist Nomenklatura running the once spectacularly beautifully state of California want to impose a tax-by-the-mile plan as state revenue drops because of the use if EVs. But then you have to ask what is the competence level of the leftist indoctrinated bureaucratic class who run the state when Virginia terminated California's electric vehicle mandate, which was being pushed on all 50 states? Anyone ever drive a Honda Civic? If you have you really have to wonder what the hell is the point of owning an EV? Especially facing an oil glut by 2029. Then the corporate communists who run the state (Democratic socialist utopians) are telling Californians who leave "may still have to pay California taxes." California is alleged to have the 5th largest economy in the world at $3.944 trillion gross state product (GSP) as of 2023. If the state continues in its current direction when tax collectors start knocking on doors nobody will be home. With a declining tax base of $340 million tax revenue loss because of people moving out of the state a single employee working to pay their bills and to survive in California can expect to pay 1/3rd of their monthly pay check in taxes. A tax on labor is theft (British territorial subjects).
California introduces tax-by-the-mile plan as state revenue from fuel tax drops due to electric vehicle usage 
California exodus continues as conservative states attract blue-state residents: Report

By Jamie Joseph | June 10, 2024

Californians fleeing the blue state over its high cost of living are showing no signs of slowing down, according to the latest report by a major moving and storage company.

"The Golden State has a reputation for imposing high sales, income, and property taxes. The cost of living is approximately 50 percent higher in California than the national average, and housing costs can be prohibitive," according to a report on 2024 moving trends published by PODS. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saudi Arabia: There goes the petro-dollar

Editor's note: Make note of the fact Edmond de Rothschild Group is headquartered in Switzerland. Swiss banks participating in BRICS? Even the Chinese bank in Switzerland

Cockroach infestation

Editor's note: Honestly, the only analogy we could come up with for British intelligence and Crown Agents is that they are like cockroaches. British intelligence really are cockroaches. You will find them everywhere. When the lights get turned on and cockroaches detect movement you will see them scampering everywhere. There are cockroach infestations in Macedonia, China, Syria, Qatar, Yemen, Africa, Ukraine, Israel, Lebanon, Yugoslavia and Slovenia, Libya (to kill Qaddafi), inside Al Qaeda, crawling all over the US for decades, definitely in Russia, in Germany, most European countries, Central America, the Middle East best described as an "infestation."

British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations

By Kit Klarenberg | June 14, 2024

Charles Garrett, an apparent British intel agent, teamed up with a local prosecutor to wrongfully indict Macedonian public figures and topple the country's government. Everywhere Garrett goes in the region, coups seem to follow.

Western media demonstrated little interest when the anti-Western VMRO-DPMNE party achieved a landslide victory in Macedonia's presidential and parliamentary elections this May 8. However, the seismic development could reverse a foreign-orchestrated color revolution sparked almost a decade ago, which put the government in Skopje on a path guided by the EU and NATO. Getting there required rampant corruption and criminality, and a locally despised change of the country's name. 

Remember this corporate leach?

Editor's note: So, Donald Trump, why did you pick Gottlieb to head the FDA when we were attacked with the global Covid assault? Just in case people did not no this, nicotine does not cause cancer. The FDA wants all nicotine products removed from the market because nicotine is a critical component in the bodies response to Covid. Every cell in the body has nicotine receptors including in the gut. A few people, when chewing and swallowing nicotine gum get nauseous and vomit or get loose stools. This is because so much of the venom (Covid injection ingredients) in spike proteins are attached to the nicotine receptors that line your entire bowel lining, and when nicotine is present, the massive amount of venom in the bowel lining gets released and you will feel like you have food poisoning. Now people know why Gottlieb is a prototypical corporate leach.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The only way America can be "saved" is if American men become dangerous

Editor's note: Bill Cooper was gunned down by cowards, not dangerous men.

Britain goes total dystopia

Editor's note: The movie Brazil best portrays what is presently happening in the UK. The British aristocracy and oligarchs through the WEF are in a total war against the British citizenry. Bird flu is the excuse. Cutting off the individuals access to food is part of the WEF's goals where in the UK citizens are now required to register their chickens. It's a rather simple formula: Obey or go hungry. Either get vaccinated in the UK or the courts will force you to take a medical procedure. 

Dr. Dean Patterson: There could be as many as 50,000 people in the UK who have developed myocarditis post-vaccination

By Rhoda Wilson | June 14, 2024

The MHRA Yellow Card scheme has 1,500 reports of myocarditis. However, drug side effects are hugely underreported.

"There's data suggesting that 95% of cases are not reported and when you correct this level of underreporting, there could be 25,000-40,000 people with myocarditis from the covid vaccines in the UK," cardiologist Dr. Dean Patterson testified to the People's Vaccine Inquiry.

"If you correct using my data, it could be 50,000," he said.

Japan takes a back seat to Russia

Editor's note: Japan also had its trading relationship with Russia set back probably decades over Japan's following US direction on economic sanctions (see Sanctions as weapons) against Russia over Ukraine and those sanctions are running out. Japan's leadership being US vassals have no clue what is happening in Ukraine. And even despite US sanctions that are hurting the American people more than they are Russia, Russia's economy continues to plow ahead. Maybe Japan should start productive negotiations with China and Russia on joining BRICS


Russia Overtakes Japan as World's Fourth Largest Economy

By Drago Bosnic | Global Research | June 13, 2024

For decades, the political West was resting on its laurels after "winning" the (First) Cold War. It also expanded the tentacles of its malignant power projection to every corner of the world, including Russia itself, where liberal exponents of US/EU/NATO implanted themselves in the Kremlin, ensuring that Moscow's economic might is ruined, so that the Eurasian giant can never recover, let alone return to superpower status. Keeping Russia down was one of the crucial aspects of the infamous Wolfowitz Doctrine and one of the first documents published by the abominable Clinton administration. This unequivocally imperialist strategy that even many Americans thought was too much ended up killing millions of people across the globe and perpetuated an unprecedented aggression against the world that lasts to this very day. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Life and Uncommon Adventures of Capt. Dudley Bradstreet (1755)

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Designer for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

"Turnabout is fair play." Methunk t'was Shakespeare, but alas, no. According to the esteemed reference work, The Yale Book of Quotations, the earliest known occurrence of the proverb "Turnabout is fair play" is in The Life and Uncommon Adventures of Capt. Dudley Bradstreet (1755). 

20 years before we overthrew England over taxes. 

And now....

France takes a step back from the abyss

Editor's note: It's about time. National Rally leader Marine Le Pen has vowed to shut down radical mosques and deport Islamists with dual nationality in her first major speech after winning the EU elections in France. And France, stay out of Africa.

Le Pen Vows to Deport Foreigners Who Push "Totalitarian Ideology" in France

The Phoenicians are vacuuming up all the wealth while you are choking on fentanyl, fake vaccines, fluoridated water and poisoned food

Editor's note: The tech geeks and libertarians are not going to like this one.

Bitcoin Mining is another SCAM 

First published June 12, 2024

I don't know if I am the first to suggest this, but I often seem to be the only one stating the obvious these days. Bitcoin mining makes no sense, so it must be a scam by energy producers to sell more electricity. There is no logical reason for encryption to be so expensive or energy intensive, so this is just another part of the bitcoin scam, perhaps the central part.

Here is one place they throw it in our faces:
Issues With Bitcoin Mining

Between one in 88 trillion odds, scaling difficulty levels, and the massive network of users verifying transactions, one block of transactions is verified roughly every 10 minutes.8 But it's important to remember that 10 minutes is a goal, not a rule.

Today's expletives: F#cked up science and motherf#ckers

Editor's note: As long as we are starting to read more expletives in the alternative media to describe what is going on with the injection-industrial complex let it be stated science is not only delusional it is so fucked up it is destroying our existence.

"Synthetic Biology" - The Science Delusion

These shameless motherfuckers who are vaccinating little kids with the COVID "vaccine"

What they know and the public doesn't

June 13, 2024 | By Jon Rappoport

OK. Listen up. At the beginning of this debacle, when Trump gave the green light to Warp Speed, every nanotech scientist and every geneticist in the world KNEW certain things.

Certain things about any nanotech product designed to give genetic instructions to cells of the body. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

US reinvigorating its commercial war against Russia

Editor's note: Senator Lindsey Graham states Ukraine is sitting on trillions of dollars worth of minerals including a huge natural gas deposit underneath Crimea. This is a decades long commercial war against Russia and is not going to end anytime soon with more millions being sent to Ukraine, thousands more Ukrainians dying and displaced, infrastructure destroyed and continued terror attacks on Russia. Russia's stated goal in its SMO into Ukraine was to destroy the neo-Nazis in Kiev and to dismantle Ukraine's NATO trained military. The same neo-Nazis the US has trained, provided logistics for and have continued to arm.

Lindsey Graham on the Real Reason Behind Ukraine

US Lifts Ban on Arming and Training Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade

Azov welcomed the decision, saying US military assistance will increase its 'combat effectiveness'

by Dave DeCamp | June 11, 2024

The State Department announced Monday that it has formally lifted a ban on arming and training the Azov Brigade, an infamous Ukrainian neo-Nazi military unit. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

In crime scenes always follow the flow of money

Editor's note: Whatever anyone thinks of a Donald Trump presidency at this point doesn't matter as we have reached an inflection point. It now seems entirely plausible and likely that once Donald Trump swears his oath of allegiance on Monday, January 20, 2025 these people are going to be arrested. 

Putting this into context - Red state AGs and county sheriffs: the ball is in your court

The question, of course, is how?

Editor's note: This is a good report on how the Pentagon runs the US economy and how the US military is warring on the world including on the American people. Don't forget the Covid global assault on humanity with injections came through the DoD. If you stop and consider the enormous amounts of money being chewed up by the US military who do you think is liable for this debt?


The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All

June 4, 2024 | By David Vine - Theresa (ISA) Arriola

We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy.

Bombs also make people rich. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

The unraveling of an empire is not going to be very nice

Editor's note: Where do we go from here?


June 9, 2024 | by State of the Nation

So you know that we are well aware of who you are, and where you live, and what your key date is, we are writing this special message as a warning to cease and desist from your plans to start WW3. ç As follows:


Lugano, Switzerland 


One other key piece of information that only a whistleblowing deep insider could possibly know is this:

"Quadrennium Apotheosis" 

So, now we have your attention. Your once secret society has been infiltrated. 

Corporate fascism: Building empire by big business

Editor's note: The imperial British fascist corporate model:

In the Service of Empire . . .
By Vicky Davis | June 9, 2024

The ink was barely dry on the U.S. Senate’s ratification of the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 when the first UN conference on Trade and Development was scheduled. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

It's just another vast Jewish theater project...

Editor's note: ...and you will understand why soon. This is an MSNBC news clip. What more needs to be stated beside this: Today's Missing Headlines

There is a fundamental theme here: Central banks

Editor's note: We need to start thinking about what we are going to replace the Federal Reserve with. The hell with Europe. They can figure their own financial and economic mess out. A discussion with Abdassamad Clarke on riba, usury, and the history of money: 

Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern

Editor's note: There was an assassination attempt on Slovakian PM Robert Fico on 15 May 2024 for his views on Ukraine in support of Russia. The Danish PM Mette Frederiksen suffered whiplash after an assault on her in Copenhagen with authorities claiming it wasn't "politically motivated." It would be worth looking into Mette Frederiksen's views on Ukraine. Then there is the former German AfD member Olga Peterson who fled to Russia claiming authorities were planning to seize her children over her support for Russia's Vladamir Putin. Expressions of support for Russia's military operation in Ukraine are illegal in Hamburg. This indicates the US has total direction and control over the German state just like the US has total control and direction over the state of Japan. The transnational oligarchy running the proxy war against Russia want Russia's resources. That is the bottom line. There is absolutely no way this transnational oligarchy will ever allow German industry to be combined with Russia's resources. The world will be taken to all out war before this is ever allowed to happen. This was always about splitting Russia up then the "rape of Russia." Any European politician who interferes in this ongoing treachery will be removed. Even more of a threat is the spirit of Russia. And if you stand in opposition to the WEF's plans you're going to get yourself killed because Schwab's WEF outfit has severed all ties ("freezes all relations") with Russia.

Source: RT

German politician flees to Russia

Former AfD member Olga Petersen has claimed that the authorities in Hamburg were planning to seize her children
Olga Petersen © X / @OlgaPetersenAfD 

Corporate mercenaries

Editor's note: The highest paid federal government employee in US history. In this predator and prey ecosphere an extremely difficult concept to get across to people is are you in the public domain or in the private domain?

How Anthony Fauci Weaponized Science Against America

Saturday, June 8, 2024

No more free lunch in Africa for France

Editor's note: The French poodle continues to yap at the heels of Russia. The French under Macron (the cosmopolitan Judeo-banksters are the problem in France: slave-trafficking dynasties from the age of exploration and exploitation) are angry because Russia has collapsed the Francophone colonial outposts in resource rich Africa where Russia and China are building infrastructure including Russian and China-backed rail lines, agriculture and roads. The Wagner Group have also trained soldiers in respective African countries on how to prevent western-backed coups and to fight against western-backed terrorist groups. What a stupid question: Why are Wagner mercenaries still in Africa? Well duh? The French will no longer get their free lunch from Africa. They will now be forced to negotiate, trade and pay on equitable terms for Africa's resources. 

Emmanuel Macron: Come and retrieve your captured French soldier in Ukraine


Smash WHO into a thousand pieces...then follow the flow of money...public domain and private domain

Editor's note: WHO is a fascist corporation. Equity means money. It's all about the flow of money (see link below on the International Health Regulations) in this predator and prey ecosphere. WHO uses the terminology "for the public good." If you do not legally extricate yourself from the public domain through your legal standing in law and operate in the private domain you are prey. If you are in the private domain injections are trespassing on private property in the WHO's declarations of "public health emergencies." Stay out of the public domain. 

Cardiologist Dr. Thomas Binder forced into Swiss psychiatric hospital for publicly warning against covid lockdowns

"Enough Is Enough!" – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO

Friday, June 7, 2024

"Make Communism Great Again" - in America

Editor's note: Weren't Russian dissidents placed in reeducation camps in Siberia? Let's invert this in honor of the thousands of Russians who died in reeducation camps. "Make America Great Again" is now officially "Make Communism Great Again" - in America. It is clearly not the Democratic Party, it is the Communist Party. You are witnessing the Weimar Republic Circa 1939 repeat. In the Hungarian uprising of 1956 partisans had no mercy for the Bolshevik Nomenklatura in Budapest. The Hungarian partisans pulled the Bolshevik NKVD out of their headquarters, lined them up against the front of the building and summarily executed them. Life magazine was there and captured pictures of it. Americans have no idea of the contempt and hatred communists have for you.

Source: Fox News

New York Democrat congressional candidate suggests MAGA supporters go to 're-education camp'

Democrat candidate Paula Collins is running against GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik for New York's 21st congressional district

By Brooke Singman | June 6, 2024

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., discusses the Biden administration’s role in the Israel-Hamas war as the White House pauses its shipment of bombs over concerns they could be used in Rafah. 

What is your understanding of viruses and immunology?

Editor's note: The technocratic corporate fascist authoritarians radiating out of WHO have no choice. They have to run with another Covid-like attack on humanity this time with H2N2. Whatever you think you know about viruses is probably wrong. It was wrong ever since Rockefeller interests took over medicine. It's a crude model but highly profitable: "a virus jumps from a chicken to you." That's the standard Rockefeller and contemporary medical sales job. Billions of people believe it like primitive religious dogma. Rockefeller-funded scientists found aluminum makes the genocide-agent mercury much more deadly. Rockefeller brought in their own version of germ theory and immunology. We are talking about false premises and assumptions about viruses that have been deliberately created. To be blunt about it germ and virus theory are erroneous science. The media as government is going to kick in very soon to ramp this bird flu scare up to intense proportions. If chickens could talk they would tell humans they are out of their minds. The chickens would say, "they eat us and our eggs then blame us for viruses." Reminder: The PCR test was the Covid pandemic.

PCR Testing for Bird Flu 'Will Only Serve to Raise False Case Count' Critics Say

The Latest "Bird Flu" Death is "Covid" All Over Again 

June 7, 2024 | By Kit Knightly

Yesterday, the mainstream media widely reported that a new strain of Bird Flu had claimed its first victim, a 59-year-old man from Mexico. 

The big news here is that the strain allegedly responsible, H5N2, had allegedly never before been detected in humans. 

Everyone from CNN to the BBC to Sky News to ABC went with a headline along these lines:
First confirmed human case of bird flu H5N2 has died, says World Health Organisation

Rabbi Admits That White Replacement and Genocide Is the Goal

Editor's note: The biggest reason why is because "whites" (European ethnicities) cannot accept Babylonian Talmudism. There are a lot of decent Jews admittedly, but because of the deeply embedded religious trauma bonding and cult mentality Judaism causes, very few if any Jews will rat out their fellow Jews. On a far deeper level who do Jews work for? Seriously, have they contracted with some type of alien presence on Earth (not the extraterrestrial space alien bullshit) centuries ago to be acting like this? What has weaponized Judaism's cult to be so malevolent towards humanity? Was this part of the contractual agreement? The bible teaches good behavior in some respects. Other than that it is codified lunacy by the rabbinate. The Russians have had to deal with this destructive malevolency and now it is America's turn. Is that all these rabbis do? Sit around talking about this malevolency?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Putting this into context - Red state AGs and county sheriffs: the ball is in your court

Editor's note: CNN is "government by media" (see The Brits Invade US Newsrooms With a 'Killer Instinct' and Fleet Street Ethics). That means you also need to search out possibly better and more critical sources for your news to discern what is going on in the world's largest crime scene: Washington DC. In this CNN clip, James Comey suggests "Trump is begging for a jail sentence." The only real issue in this discussion between CNN and Comey is what's the obfuscation here? Comey hammers on the idea of "preventing lies from becoming part of the national dialogue." The entire structure of the US corporation and its federally subcontracted corporations like the FBI and the DoJ base their operations on obfuscation, duplicity and lies. These people are desperate. They have been tasked to do whatever it takes to stop Trump. If they weren't these people like James Comey, Andrew McCabe (Crossfire Hurricane Team) and hundreds of others wouldn't be able to function in transparency. What Comey and McCabe are fearful of are being exposed for their participation in federal crimes and treason. It is alledged McCabe is now "terrified" that intelligence officials will have to prepare to flee the US to avoid jail if Trump is re-elected. Fear permeates Washington DC. It really is a cesspool and smells worse than the foulist sewer, so you really have to laugh at Comey's ridiculous sounding comments in this CNN interview. It has now been revealed both Comey and McCabe have been named on an apparent "deep state target list of 350 traitors."

In war torture is part of the violence and so is killing journalists

Editor's note: The US authoritarian regime and its terrorist fascist proxies in Kiev who have received billions of US dollars are in saving face mode because Russia has moved into its final transition to end this carnage in Ukraine. There have been casualties along the way obviously, casualties that include journalists killed in Ukraine. It is also very likely those in the west far removed from Ukraine have no idea of the ferocity of the fighting. One such American journalist who now it's being reported was tortured to death by the fascist regime in Kiev:

Kiev regime tortured US journalist to death – Putin

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Japan gearing up to become a global leader in the biotechnology sector

Editor's note: Japan being a resource poor country is developing biotechnology to become a world leader in the sector. This is the reason why Japan's government is not discussing or releasing any information through their tightly controlled (heavily censored where television is a wasteland) media related to the mRNA injections that have had a serious impact on the health of many Japanese as testified to by Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Japan's most senior oncologist. Dr. Masanori Fukushima has described the mRNA Covid injections as "a work of evil that led to the murder of thousands of people." This is also why Japan's government was silent concerning protests in Tokyo where thousands of Japanese people showed up in opposition to WHO. Japan's government cannot risk Japan's pharmaceutical industry from not developing their biotechnology industry. In Japan, corporations do nothing without the large government bureaucracy behind them. The biotechnology market in Japan was "valued at $44.1 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR OF 6.7 percent during the forecasted period of 2022 to 2030." Japan wants a piece of the biotechnology action and is why their pharmaceutical sector is all onboard with further development of mRNA vaccines. They really have no choice if Japan's economy is going to remain relevant. 


Participation In Coronaville (日本武田薬品のコロナビルへの参加) Tachi Yamada: "Global Kingpin" 

April 20, 2020

Japan needs a major economic boost and coronavirus is the solution. Rather than an all out war the second best thing they can get is a war on coronavirus (common cold and influenza). Can somebody please tell us why Tachi Yamada [deceased 4 August 2021] who is Executive Vice-President, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, and a Board Member of Takeda Pharmaceuticals, is the president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? In January 2012, Fortune Magazine ranked the Takeda Oncology Company as one of the 100 best companies to work for in the United States. 

British propaganda (never ending spin) in the UK's terminal commercial war of attrition against Russia

Editor's note: This is British propaganda in its vilest antagonistic form. This is "government through the media." Russia is planning no such war in Europe. If you read, give credibility to or entertain yourselves with any news source vomiting out of the UK you are being programmed. Nothing is revealed as Mail Online erroneously states in their headline. British intelligence sources writing through the UK media continues to convey "Russia invaded Ukraine" but the historical facts do not agree with this intended false assertion. This is how the UK is selling war. It's a sales job. It is advertising copy editing to get a lot of people killed. The UK Mail Online ran a story the US has a hypersonic missile capable of reaching Moscow. More copy edit advertising. The central bank death cult model based on war is approaching...and if NATO wants to see thousands of dead soldiers within a week of entering Ukraine Russia has provided the invitation. The second Russia detects NATO movement along these alleged "corridors" Russia will release salvos of missiles at those NATO assets and they won't hesitate. Can anyone even begin to imagine the disaster of NATO soldiers being led into this potential nightmare with demonstrably proven incompetent western leaders? 

Source: Mail Online

Revealed - NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears Moscow is plotting major war with Europe

NATO leaders previously agreed to ready 300,000 troops for rapid deployment

By JAMES REYNOLDS | 4 June 2024

NATO is drawing up plans to send American troops to the frontlines of Europe in the event of an all-out conflict with Russia, it has been revealed. 

Just stop moving, conserve your energy because the more you move the more energy you waste and the more value is stolen from you

Editor's note: What the Bank of England (BoE) does as we have stated repeatedly, is to lumber the debt onto the public. This must end and we have gone to great efforts to show the history of this and how you have been placed into a position as the "public" being held responsible for this debt by a privately held central bank.

Origin Begins at Fertilization - Catholic Church: Reform or Leave America

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Emmanuel Macron: Come and retrieve your captured French soldier in Ukraine

Editor's note: European countries especially France with Macron as their "leader" are demonstrably insane if they think they can go to war against Russia. This French soldier was not "instructing" Ukrainian soldiers, he was engaged in active combat against Russian troops and was captured. The Russians have warned European countries that if western troops are located in Ukraine they will be targeted for destruction. Ukraine is falling apart politically and can no longer be held together. There are now too many Ukrainians who have had enough and they are now providing active intelligence to the Russians through numerous networks. The Russians know where the foreign soldiers are, how many, munition storage areas, vehicle locations, troop movements and tactics. The Ukrainians have been forced to hide in holes, use drones to harass Russian soldiers and are not showing their heads above ground. Russia is doing everything it can to conserve troops and that means nothing will remain alive in their artillery and bombardment target zones before soldiers move into the trenches.

Obama the student has become Obama the master

Editor's note: Of course, Barack Obama was mentored by Saul Alinsky through Alinsky's tactics outlined in Rules for Radicals, an instructional guide for the communist radical left. That's what they do: whip up mobs by race, by gender, by ethnicity, by religion. There are other aspects as well with Obama and those behind him but at least with Obama we saw what was on the surface like a blackhead (pun intended) pimple on the face of a teenager. The blackhead pimple is squeezed and then it becomes sore and infected filled with puss. Americans need to pop this pimple. That is were America stands. It is an infected puss-filled sore. Consider Obama an "anthropological experiment" (more like a damn freak show using weaponized anthropology). Americans have been removed from the reality of their own destruction.

Radical Barack Obama Comes Out of the Shadows and Announces Joe Biden's Palestinian-Israel Policy – Democrats Are No Longer Hiding Who Is Really Calling the Shots

Make your own passport

Editor's note: Former US Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter had his passport and apparently other documents taken from him. Ritter was on his way to Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) when he was pulled off the plane and had his documents confiscated. This was done through the US State Department. Anyone speaking the truth about what is going on inside the US is being silenced. The US corporate regime will not tolerate dissent or alternative information Scott Ritter was providing mostly on the situation in Ukraine. Scott Ritter is not aware of his legal standing and has probably not revoked his DD Form 214 so legally, the US corporation can in fact confiscate his passport. Scott Ritter probably should have been taking legal precautions to protect himself in the event this happaned. He should have issued his own passport so let this be an instructional lesson for everyone. Now we are seeing the "true face of Uncle Sam."

US seizes Scott Ritter's passport


August 9, 2018 | By Anna Von Reitz

I have lately been assailed by people concerned because they could not get a passport, were issued an incorrect passport, or were being penalized for things like child support debts or IRS liens with not being able to use a passport issued by "the US".

Passports are issued by the Post Office, not the "government".

You, as a Post Master (Think about it, you handle the mail --- buy, sell, trade, carry, and deliver mail all the time) have the right and ability to send "yourself" anywhere the mail goes. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

For the first time ever...

Editor's note: ...right, it was a "landslide" so make sure we know it is the "first time ever" for Mexico. Wasn't her husband jailed in a case of electoral fraud? In a previous post about the Black Nobility including how this "nobility" run the Mexican drug cartels, it appears Mexico is going to be taken in a different direction. Here is another prime example of how the Black Nobility run their Juden (Yehudim) to redirect countries to their global plans. In this case the new president of Mexico Gloria Sheinbaum. Sheinbaum is an Ashkenazi secular Jew being preselected and vetted for the top spot in Mexico where Jews comprise only one percent of Mexico's population and where 80 percent of the population are Catholic. A female Jewish president in a country that is predominantly male centered and "macho" indicates Sheinbaum has a specific task that she has been assigned to for Mexico.

Mexico Election Bought by CIA & Drug Cartel

Think about this: In the biotechnology industry worth $3,995.22 billion by 2032 everyone gets injected

Editor's note: Using the description "anti-vaxxers" is Bolshevik sloganeering. It's the similar tripe like being "anti-goverment." There is no such thing as "anti-vaxxers". There are now more people making better and informed decisions but there are no "anti-vaxxers." The global elite who's public faces you see have billions of dollars behind them through the pharmaceutical-military-industrial central banking complex and they are not going to stop until every human being on this planet have been injected multiple times. In Canada, we can see the Nazi government there are planning to initiate Pandemic 2.0. And as far as the WHO's pandemic treaty is concerned, it might be "dead" for now but it will absolutely be attempted again because this global elite will not stop. They have an agenda they absolutely must carry out. Remember the US marine who stated from the outset of this Covid militray attack on civilization that if anyone attempted to give him a Covid injection "he would f*cking kill them?" That is the attitude you must have. The WHO must be smashed and this little troglodyte Ghebreyesus (his cut is $260,000 a year) needs to go find something productive to do in life.

"We have to Deal with the Anti-Vaxxers" says Keir Starmer. Next UK PM? With the Endorsement of the WEF

Looking into our circumstances...