Thursday, July 11, 2024

Wisconsin's new state motto: "Forward" with election fraud

Editor's note: Forward, Wisconsin! Backwards would probably be a better state motto. Everyone knows how presidential campaign promises go. Elect me and I promise to...well then, hold Donald Trump to his campaign promise and make sure he has arrested and prosecuted Milwaukee's former "election chief" head of Milwaukee's Election Commission Claire Woodall-Vogg for election fraud. Does anyone seriously think the FBI will open an investigation into the voter fraud that took place in Wisconsin while Claire Woodall-Vogg was serving as election chief in Milwaukee? Nope, never happen. It's really not about Trump. It is about the integrity of elections at all levels in America. Not only did Wisconsin spike the election but the news also spiked reports about Trump concerning "lies and the legitimacy of the 2020 Election spread by Trump."

How Wisconsin RIGGED the vote in 2020 with plans to do it again this November

July 10, 2024 | By Ethan Huff

An email dated Nov. 4, 2020, has emerged to show that Wisconsin rigged its election results that year to illegally install Joe Biden as "president."

Ryan Chew from The Elections Group emailed Claire Woodall-Vogg, Milwaukee's former elections chief – Woodall-Vogg was recently removed from her post and replaced with her former deputy, Paulina Gutierrez, due to "internal" issues within the commission – basically admitting flat-out that Wisconsin's ballot boxes were stuffed after the polls closed with fake ballots for Biden. 

"D***, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 am," Chew wrote in the email, which bore the subject line "Re: drama." "I bet you had those votes counted at midnight, and just wanted to keep the world waiting!" 

It turns out that Woodall-Vogg was done counting all legal ballots at 10:30 pm on Nov. 3, 2020. After that, she spent at least an hour and a half, based on Chew's correspondence – and more like four and a half hours if it really took her until 3:00 am – stuffing the ballot box for Biden.

"She kicked out Republican observers the night before at around 10:30 pm telling them all ballots had been counted," tweeted Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll), quoting independent journalist and Election Watch president Peter Bernegger (@PeterBernegger).

"Claire was done with the LEGAL ballots at 10:30 pm on Nov. 3rd. She needed the time from then until 3:06 am to stuff the tabulators with fake ballots for Joe Biden."

(Related: Check out our earlier report from 2020 about how Wisconsin claimed an impossible 88 percent voter turnout that year, which was obvious Democrat ballot fraud.)

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Massive voter fraud in Wisconsin

Bernegger (@PeterBernegger) tweeted photo evidence – see below – of Woodall-Vogg leaving Milwaukee's Central Count, police squad SUV 554, at 3:06 am the morning of Nov. 4, 2020. Bernegger also shared the name of the guy who brought in the fraudulent ballots at 1:15 am just a few hours prior.

"This is how incredibly stupid State Assembly Rep. @RepRonTusler is, he is pushing a 'Monday Count' bill because he (wrongly) believes the City of Milwaukee needs more time to count the ballots," Bernegger explained. "Nope Tusler – Claire was done with the LEGAL ballots at 10:30 pm on Nov. 3rd."

Please go to Natural News to continue reading.

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