Monday, July 8, 2024

Fully embrace this: It's a veritable carnival of cunts

Editor's note: These UK politicians really are a "veritable carnival of cunts" as the war criminal and psychopathic and likely sexually traumatized as a young boy "Sir" Blair consults with the UK's new PM "Sir" Starmer (see Shabbat dinners at 10 Downing Street while Britain is flooded with Islamic migrants). Sir Blair wants to "fully embrace technology" but for who's benefit exactly? To control immigration? That concept is utter bullshit because if the UK actually wanted to control immigration into Britain they could easily enough carry out shutting down the border. Populism in Britain reflects the fact that the average British citizen has had enough of uncontrolled immigration into Britain. The out of control immigration into Britain is intentionally being allowed to happen. The British should start looking for a slew of deranged policies when you consider who is backing Labour (Starmer). Sir "Cunt" Blair wants the technology promoted for these same interests going back to Israel. Then toss in the fact that Starmer's wife is Jewish and you have all the makings of British-Israel.

Hard truths about Britain's immigration crisis

Tony Blair wades in to offer advice to Keir Starmer with 3-point takedown of Reform

The former Labour prime minister offered advice to the new PM in an intervention 24 hours after he entered Downing Street.
Sir Tony Blair and Sir Keir Starmer (Image: PA)

By Katie Harris | July 7, 2024 

Sir Tony Blair urged Sir Keir Starmer to come up with a plan for controlling immigration in a bid to tackle the threat posed by Nigel Farage.

The former Labour leader offered the Prime Minister a three-point solution to fight Reform UK.

He said Sir Keir's focus should be on illegal migration with the introduction of digital identity cards, a robust approach to law and order, and avoiding "vulnerability on wokeism".

Writing in the Sunday Times, the New Labour leader said: "We need a plan to control immigration. If we don’t have rules, we get prejudices.

"In office, I believed the best solution was a system of identity, so that we know precisely who has a right to be here.

"With, again, technology, we should move as the world is moving to digital ID. If not, new border controls will have to be highly effective.

"We need a tough new approach to law and order. At present, criminal elements are modernising faster than law enforcement.

"And the government should avoid any vulnerability on 'wokeism'."

Sir Tony compared Britain to other European countries like France and Italy where "traditional political parties are suffering disruption" and "new entrants" are "running riot".

Please go to the Express to continue reading.

The immigration problem is simple to describe. The UN and NGOs are not mere bystanders in this 'emigration' crisis. Instead, they are key players actively facilitating and weaponizing human migration to further their agenda of global governance. These organizations, under the guise of humanitarian aid, are perpetuating a cycle of chaos and instability, using vulnerable populations as pawns in their grand strategy. By providing logistical support to migrants, to manipulating media narratives, the UN and its NGO partners are meticulously orchestrating a crisis that serves their geopolitical interests

This is not about compassion; it's about control. What we are in fact witnessing is a calculated attempt to undermine national sovereignty and destabilize regions through engineered migration flows. Color revolutions are terrorist acts by this global kabal. solving it is easy, but most don't have the stomach for what has to end it. As Kennedy said: "Not just in our time...but for all time."

The Jewish-controlled British government, the new UK PM Starmer, the Labour Party and the UK Parliament have no opposition or concern about the genocide of 186,000 Palestinians by Israel's IDF given full complicity by the maniacs running the US military:

General Pulikovsky...

The global mafia have won the UK election...Starmer is "a global community UK-based catch phrase cover story merchant selling sound bites" and really is a cunt facing scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Saville :

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