Thursday, July 11, 2024

The US was privatized in order to enable theft

Editor's note: This is a discussion with former US State Department officer, Donald Trump speech writer and censorship whistleblower Mike Benz. The first 25 minutes are a warmup. After that, Benz gets into the good stuff which is American foreign policy which is the policy that set America up to be looted. Look at what has happened in the US: Privatizing to enable theft pretty much sums up what has happened. This is what was done to the US with such people like Alice Rivlin who was Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was at the center of the theft from the beginning. The OMB is running US institutions because they control the CIOs (Chief Information Officers). Read The Russian Collusion Connection? It is like the UN stated as being "organized for peace" but the actual reality doesn't even come anywhere near achieving peace. That is copy edit advertising diversion. It is all organized for power.

China and Russia are certanly not going to allow what was discussed above to continue on the Eurasian continent. 

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