Monday, July 22, 2024

And now you know...

Editor's note: This is the opening statement given by Rep. Jamie Raskin at the congressional hearing into the Secret Service's responsibilities for President Trump's security. Take note of the fact Raskin states over and over again the "evil" AR15 rifle. Raskin further refers to mass shootings when this has been shown over and over again that most mass shootings are not real. Was that the type of weapon used? Maybe it was a 22LR? Has anyone seen the actual weapon allegedly used to take pot shots at President Trump? Where is the assassin's weapon he used? The FBI hosed down the roof of the building so what did they do with the snipers weapon? The only people being "hosed down" are the American people. Finally, Rep. Raskin refers to Elijah Cummings in his opening statement about "reaching common ground." Why would Raskin refer to the deceased Elijah Cummings in his opening statement that seems totally out of place?

Part of the analysis from: The Trump Shooting was Of Course Staged

July 22, 2024 

[Added July 22: My Muse led me to listen to Congressional questioning of Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle today, though I would normally never waste my time doing that. So it is very odd. After Chairman Comer's opening remarks, ranking member Jamie Raskin starts off his remarks in a very odd way:
Elijah Cummings, whose beautiful visage looks down on us taught us that the way to find common ground during a crisis is to look for common ground, and last week Chairman Comer and I came together to reach for that higher ground.
Hello, what was that? Who the hell is Elijah Cummings? He is a black House member who died in 2019.

He is the namesake of the Elijah Cummings Youth Program in Israel. Say what? What was the connection of this son of sharecroppers from South Baltimore to Israel? Now you know. And I guess we now know why he was named Elijah. But again, why is the Jewish Raskin quoting this guy in such a lame way to start off his remarks? That is his first sentence. Well, now we know why. Raskin is obviously nodding obliquely to this Cummings family, which is already involved in this theater through Corey Comperatore. He can do that because he knows no one will get the shout out except insiders. No one but me and now you.

Raskin uses most of his time to sell you the idea of mass shootings, assuring you they are real and require an expensive and full-court response from the government. He claims there were 655 mass shootings and 712 deaths from them in 2023 alone. I personally have studied hundreds of mass shootings in depth on this site and have never found any of them to be real. Not one. It is my opinion that every single one has been staged by our own governors to abet their police/military state, their control grid, and their creation of fear. And there is now a fourth reason to stage these things, including the Trump hoax: to move you on from the vaccine genocide. They want you to think thousands of people are being killed and wounded by mass shooters, and to forget that millions were just murdered by official government policy in cohoots with Big Pharma.

Raskin is especially shameless, since he uses the rest of his time to resell the Jan6 fake, claiming again that 140 officers were wounded. That number was just made up from nothing, like the rest of that staged event. The Democrats initially claimed several officers were killed, and it is somewhat gratifying to see that Raskin doesn't trot out that old lie again. But ignoring all that, it is still difficult to believe Raskin is using this current theater to rehash the Jan6 theater.]

Please go to mileswmathis to read the entire continuously updated analysis.

Something does not jive here with what everyone saw from the media accounts. Is this a lie or is this just a WWE-type of over exaggeration?


What difference does it make if it was real or staged...

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