Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The formula is simple empowered by belief in the creation of fairy dust magic money

Editor's note: The power of money is an esoteric secret held by the law merchants and the central banks behind them. When you talk to the average person they will always talk about high taxes. They are all wrong. The problem isn't high taxes themselves. These taxes are really not funding the government. So, who is financing the government? The government is financed by treasury bonds. And who buys the treasury bonds? Mostly the Federal Reserve. And how does the fed buy the treasury bonds? By creating more fairy dust magic money. What backing does the fed have for this money creation? The treasury bonds themselves. Basically, the government is financed by creating money out of thin air. Then you would ask, well, if someone can create all this unlimited amount of money out of thin air why do they collect taxes? The answer is simply but it is shocking. The fundamental problem is we pay high taxes only to uphold the illusion we are funding the government when we are not. A tax on labor is slavery so understand who exactly is required to pay taxes and what type of taxes.

5,800 IRS Employees And Contractors Owe Nearly $50 Million In Unpaid Taxes: Treasury IG

By Tyler Durden | July 30, 2024

At least 5,800 IRS employees and contractors owe almost $50 million in overdue taxes and more than half of them haven’t been required to agree to a payment plan, according to the Department of the Treasury’s Inspector-General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

In a report made available to The Epoch Times, TIGTA said auditors found 3,414, or 4 percent, of the 85,359 employees at the IRS have unpaid taxes. Of those with payment plans, $9 million remains unpaid, while $12 million is owed by employees without a payment plan. 

Among IRS contractors, which include many former tax agency employees, 2,573 of 25,732 (10 percent) contractors have unpaid taxes. Of those without a payment plan, $17 million is owed and those with a payment plan have $8 million outstanding. 

The TIGTA also reported that 512 former IRS employees were rehired, either as employees or contractors, despite having "tax compliance issues or conduct and performance problems, including criminal misconduct, sexual misconduct, inability to perform duties, fighting and assault, and unauthorized access to tax return information, have been rehired by the agency and its contractors," according to Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who requested the watchdog's report.

Law Requires Tax Cheats Be Fired

Federal law requires that federal workers found to have unpaid taxes must be removed unless the IRS Commissioner specifically allows them to remain on the government payroll. The present IRS chief, Danny Werfel, has exercised that discretion to retain more than 1,000 such workers since 2021.
"Between October 1, 2021, and April 1, 2023, the IRS closed 1,175 cases with disciplinary actions, for 1,068 current employees, with confirmed tax noncompliance issues. During that same time period, 70 employees were identified with substantiated willful ... violations and 20 were removed as a result," the TIGTA report explained.

"Although the law requires an employee who has either willfully not filed or willfully understated their taxes due to be removed, subject only to the IRS Commissioner’s mitigation, this disciplinary action is not always enforced."
Ms. Ernst also pointed out in a July 29 letter to Mr. Werfel that a 2023 TIGTA report "found 149,000 federal employees owe an astounding $1.5 billion in unpaid taxes. Tens of thousands are repeat tax cheats, failing to file tax returns year after year, and the number is steadily increasing."

Please go to Zero Hedge to continue reading.

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