Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A polite request to Americans: Get your shit together...

Editor's note: ...because if you don't the Chinese will with their collectivist hive-like mind. What is retired U.S. Army General and former National Security Agency (NSA) director Paul M. Nakasone's position on China developing AI and these singularity technologies? Revolving door or not does America really want China dominating these singularity technologies? As if China with a billion people (if we accept that number) need more geniuses than they already have. China can take these singularity technologies including CRISPR technology and within two generations have IQ babies of 120. Consider that 1-3 per cent of the population have genius IQs as a natural phenomenon. There is India with a population of about a 1.2 billion people with the same bell curve. And then there is the US with its 1-3 per cent of about 350 million importing people from South America as fast as they can. While China is importing TSMC engineers from Taiwan. What will the weaponization of AI by China tell the Chinese what to do then they get to that point? There is no mention of China in this article.

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