Wednesday, July 17, 2024

There is no government oversight to prevent this...

Editor's note: ...considering governments have become eviscerated. What is there for the FBI to investigate when the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was all staged and faked with a few real add ons to make it all seem so real? And since we are on this subject of shootings, what's going on here: How the CIA, Mossad and "the Epstein Network" are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare. Corporations including big tech and those who run them have been very successful at consolidating wealth and working to destroy the government, privatizing it through contracting - moving towards fascism every day. Listen to this brief interview with Erik Prince. Prince is angling for a contract to provide training services. And it never ends. Now read this linked article below. All you have to do is change UK to US in this linked article and it's the same story in America. Thatcher in the UK and Reagan in the US were joined at the hip for economic policy in neoliberal trade creating these rentier regimes. And this is what we all have to suffer through: financial terrorism. It's the same damn thing going on in FinTech.

The Great British Betrayal

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