Friday, July 19, 2024

Momentum and excitement is building like having an orgasm over war

Editor's note: MAGA will have consequences. The down wind stench and spinoff operation going on here now seems to be to implicate Iran (ramping the heat up on Iran) in this staged psychological warfare Trump assassination plot/operation. The FBI (who trusts the FBI?) is reporting "the shooter had two cell phones and used three encrypted accounts overseas to communicate." Communicate with who? The Iranians? Read Congressman Waltz's bio. He has all the credentials and connections to agree with the FBI's assessment without question. Waltz made millions off defense contractors when he wanted to reinitiate war in Afghanistan in 2021 for Pentagon war contractors. Waltz also stated in a Fox interview that "Russia wasn't going to stop in Ukraine" which is totally preposterous. See where this is going? Waltz also has an "AIPAC babysitter". Why did the FBI hose down the rooftop the alleged sniper fired from destroying evidence? J.D. Vance set the stage for war in the Middle East for Israel by saying "punch Iran hard" (reported as "an intelligence agency leak" to CNN) immediately after it was announced Vance would be Trump's VP selection. The US is being vectored into a war in the Middle East...the only way MAGA will work is war.


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