Monday, July 1, 2024

Is China setting America up for a global economic meltdown through political warfare?

Editor's note: Who wants out of WHO's globalist designs that are being formulated by China? Why is digitalization working so well with the Chinese? Because in Confucianism the hive-like mind dominates Chinese thinking. When China latches securely to these singularity technologies that collectivist hive-like mind will be rapidly transferred to the rest of the world in these globalist systems that are being built. 

Summer Devos Concludes

July 1, 2024

The World Economic Forum has wrapped their "Summer Davos" shindig in Dalian, China, where they talked about rolling out a 100% global carbon tax, to be followed by a global water tax

This is a surcharge by the WEF on the entire world. This is part of their business model to make everything more expensive, so that "we will own nothing" and "eat ze bugs".

Seen here is an unnamed Chinese elitist promoting the expansion of carbon taxes and the integration of new water taxes into the current carbon pricing mechanisms:
"Today, carbon pricing, ETSs, carbon taxes already cover about 25% of global emissions, right? We should actually look at scaling this, right, to cover all 100% of carbon emissions.

"And beyond carbon, let's think about other aspects of nature that are easier to quantify. We probably will not be able to quantify everything on day one, but what about water, right? That's also quite possible for us to start integrating, systematically into current trading, carbon pricing mechanisms."
I"m not sure if this woman is one of the WEF's "Global Shapers", which is a network of young people under the age of 30 who are engaging locally but driving global impact or if she is from the ranks of the Young Global Leaders, from which have emerged such execrable creatures as Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Jacinda Ardern, who all received their Globalist bonafides from the WEF before inflicting genocide and economic collapse on their own people, making them widely despised.

Jacinda couldn't take it, anymore and she quit in 2023. Macron couldn't take it anymore, so he called a snap election last month – which he just lost over the weekend and Trudeau, reportedly will either step down or he will be forced to do so, any day now.

More on Peng Sen:

Peng Sen: The digital economy is an important driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization

This is how "political warfare" works against America by China. This is by far the most informative and eye opening congressional hearing available on China's incursions into America today. The amount of truth discussed in this hearing is stunning. It looks though as if two of the witnesses however were still trying to cover for China. One member of congress told how the investors captured China's towns and cities. The representative from California exposes the Chinese (local communities) way of financing local infrastructure. This is the same way it's done in the US. Listen to Ms. Porter from California at the 2:31 point in this hearing as Ms. Porter describes how "China is setting the world up for a global economic meltdown by financing their infrastructure with securitized bonds that are backed by risky lousy collateral."

The oligarchs smashing through nation states banging on our front doors through the WEF:

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